No. 24.]
171.- In the Saumyanāthasyāmin tomple at Nandalür. 1 [S]vasti Sri [11] Kulottadga-Soladēvarki[yån]da 24ivndavad) -apa Dan
dubhi-san vatsarattu Rishabha-nayar[x] púryva-pakshattu triti(yai]gu[m*]
Velli-kkila[i*](ai)2 yum perra Mrigasisha(tta](sirshattu) pā!.
"In the 24th year, which was the (cyclic) year Dundubhi, (of the reign) of KulottungaChõladēva,-on the day of Mrigasirsha, which corresponded to a Friday and to the third tathi of the first fortnight of the month of Rishabha."
This date is quite regnlar. The 24th year of Kulottuvga-Chola III. began July 6th to 8th, A.D. 1201, the cyclic year being by the southern system, Dundubhi from the Mēsba-sankranti on 24th March, A.D. 202. On the second day of the solar month Vrishabha, which corresponded to Friday, April 26th A.D. 1202, the third tithi of the first fortnight of nija-Vaisakha was current. It had begun 9 h. 7 m. before mean sunrise on that Friday; on which day the nakshatra Mrigasiruba expired, by the equal space system and that of Garga 12 b, 47 m., and by the Brahma-siddhanta 11 h. 20 m. after mean sunrise.
172.- In the Omkārēśvara temple at Kuttölam. 10. Svasti sri [1] Puyal vå[y][ttu] . . . . . Tiribu vanachcha
k karavatt[i]gas! Madu ]r[ai]yum Ilamum Papdi(yap] ma[di-t]talaiyun-gondaruliya (sri]-[Kulottunga*]-Sola[do] va[ku] (yan]du 2[5 k]vadu M[1]9a-näya[r]ru pūrvva-pakshattu pratha mai]yu[m] Nasyarra-k]k[i]]a[m]ai[yum] percra
"In the 2[5]th year of the reign of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious [Kulõttunga]-Chõļadēva, who was pleased to take Madurai, Ilam (Ceylon) and the crowned htad of the Påndya, -on the day of [Asvini], wbich corresponded to a (Sunday) and to the first tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Mina."
The date corresponds to Sunday, March 15th, A.D. 1203, which was the 22nd day of Mina. On that day, at mean sunrise, the tithi was the first of the bright fortnight of Chaitra, though this tithi expired 1 h. 12 m. later. By all systems the nakshatra Asvini had begun 3 h. 21 m. before mean sunrise on that day. This day was in the 25th year of Kulottuðga-Chola III.
173.- In the õmkārēkvara temple at Kuttalam.. 16. Hara: 6. Svasti sri [ll"] Puya[1] väytta . . . Tir[i]bavaṇach
chakkaravattfilgal Maduraiyum Ilamum Pandiya mudi-[tta]laiyun-goadaraliya śr[i]-Kulotua[ga-S]olade[varkku ylandu 25å vadu Magara-[nåyarra]. . .. (pa]kshatta paūjamiyam Sag[i]-kk[i]la[m]ai[yu]m pe[rra] Uttirattu n[ä!].
In the 25th year of the reign) of the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulottunga-Choladēva, who was pleased to take Madurai, Ilam (Ceylon) and the crowned head of the Påudya.-on the day of Uttara-Phalguni, which corresponded to a Saturday and to the fifth tithi of the . . . . fortnight of the month of Makars."
No. 601 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1907. ? No. 482 of the same collection.
* The origiusl is damaged here. Between på of väytts and the uext word there is space only for two akaharas.
• No. 479 of the Madras Epigraphical collection for 1907.
* The original is completely damaged. It is therefore impossible to say if the fortuight was the first (purva) or the second (apaia).