29 râlagitvål sarvvad=&pi varsham prati Bhadrapadé dátavyan ataḥ Arddh[v]an
kên=&pi paripatthana na karttavy 80 Asmad-vari vyatikramte yo=nyaḥ k8 pi bhavishyati [1] tasy=&harh kare
lagnod na lôpya[m] mama sasana || [99] Shashțhi[mn]" va31 rsha-sahasrápi svarggêtishthati dậyakaḥ Achohhêtt& ch=anuma[m]ta cha tiny=éva narakam vaset 11 [10] Vaba)hubhir vasudha
Second Plate; Second Side. 32 bhukta rajabhiḥ Sagar-Adibhiḥ | yasya yasya yada bhumis-tasya tasya tada
phalam || [11] 33 Sva-hastô=yan maharaja putra-bri-Kirttipalasya Naigamânyaya-kayastha-Sôdha
naptâ Subhan karaḥ 1 34 Damodara-sutb=lêkhi? sasanam dharmma-sasanath || [12] Mangala mahdfrih 11 0.-SUNDHA HILL INSCRIPTION OF CHÅCHIGADEVA;
(VIKRAMA-SAMVAT 1819. This inscription is on two stones which were found on the Sundha Ful, about 10 miles north of Jagwantapura in the Jaswantapara district of the Jodhpur State of Rajputana. I edit it from rubbings, kindly placed at my disposal by Mr. Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojhe.
The first stone contains 26 lines of writing which covers a space of 3' 3" broad by 1'71" high, the second 24 lines which cover & space of 2' 10" broad by 1' 5" high. The size of the letters is about " on the first stone, and between and it on the second. The inscription was carefully written by Námvasimha, a son of the physician Vijayapåla, and well engraved by Jigaravi, a son of the sutradhára Jisapåla, and is in a state of perfect preservation. The characters are Nagari, and the language is Sanskrit. Excepting two prose passages at the bottom of either stone which record the names of the author, the writer and the engraver, the date sarvat 1819 in lino 48, and another prose passage, numbered as a verse, in lines 35 and 36, the text is in verse, the total number of verses (including the prose passage counted as a verse) being 59. As regards orthography, the sign for u denotes both u and b; the palatal sibilant is used for the dental in basya-, 1. 16, Sravanti, 1. 19, sahasrambu- (for sahasrdmur), 1. 82, salila., 1. 23, fita), l. 25, and fitámfu- (for sitárníu-), 1. 37; kh and sh are confounded in mayasha- (for mayakha-), 1. 10, and piydkha- (for piyusha-), 1. 41; the i of Sri is left unchanged before the initial vowel of a proper name in fri-Asdraja-, 1. 21, Sri-Udayasinha., 1. 35, and fri-Apardjitofa-, 1. 43; chohh is written for chh in chohhaléna, 1. 7, and chchhấyayd, 1. 8; and the sign of avagraha is employed in Sandåré srka, 1. 16, and in four other places. The language is generally correct and plain, but there are one or two passages about the exact meaning of which I am still doubtful. I especially do not understand verse 12, which seems to allude to some legend unknown to me, in which the creator weighs the sun and the moon, apparently using the Ganges as a balance. Moreover, I am not sure about the meanings of the word frikari, which occurs in verses 19 and 59, and gupyadguru in verses 15, 26, and 27. To judge from the context in verse 59 (Grikari-saptakavádi-), the former may denote some kind of musical instrument; and as a gupyadguru must be
1 Rand Oral-lagitod, commencing from the current year.' 1 Metre of this verse and the rest : slots (Anushtabh). * Read lagnóesmi. • Rend slaskich.
• Boad saroht. o Of the three lines on this side only a transcript has been sent to me by Mr. Ojhe 7 The passive Aorist is und wrongly here for the native alla & I owe this information to Mr. Ojhs.
• From the St. Petersborg Diotiopary I see thas frikarl occurs in the Uttamacharitrabat nekem, L 184 (Sitzungsberichte der K. Prowes. Akademie, 1884, Part I. p. 282), where Prof. Wober has suggested for it the meaning 's female ringer.'