south-east of Nadol, Desuri, which most probably is the Devasari of this inscription of the other villages I can find no traces on the map.
After the imprecatory verses the inscription in lines 33 and 34) has the words this is the own hand (i.6. sign-manual) of the Maharajaputra (or Maharaja's son), the illustrious Kirtipala,' and the statement that this grant was written by Subbamkara, the son of Damodara and grandson of the Kayastha Sodha of the Naigama lineage.
The possible equivalents of the date, for the purnimanta and amanta month Sravana, would be --
for the Chaitrádi Vikrama year 1218 current: Saturday, the 25th June A.D. 1160, and Monday, the 25th July A.D. 1160 (when the 5th tithi of the dark half ended 9 h. 8 m. after mean suprise);
for the Chaitrádi Vikrama year 1218 expired: Friday, the 14th July A.D. 1161, and Sunday, the 13th August A.D. 1161 (when the 5th tithi of the dark balf ended 3 h. 16 m, after mean sunrise);
for the Karttikadi Vikrama year 1218 expired: Tuesday, the 3rd Jaly A.D. 1162 (when the 5th tithi of the dark half ended 11 h. 58 m. after mean sunrise), and Thursday, the 2nd August A.D. 1162.
From this it will be seen that the given date is correct only for the amanta month śråvada of the current Chaitrádi Vikrama year 1218, and therefore apparently corresponds to Monday, the 25th July AD. 1160. As current Vikrama years are quoted very rarely, this result is not perhaps quite free from suspicion ; but I can see no valid reason to question the authenticity of the wording of the original date.
First Plate. 1 03 || Svasti || Sriyai bhavattu vô dêvå 15 Vra(bra)hma-Sridhara-Samkaraḥ
sadå virkgavam2 tổ ya 16 Jina jagati viếrutaḥ || 1 osakambhari-náma-puro pur-âsî i'ch-chhri
Chåha3 mån-invaya-labdhajanmål raja maharajanat-&nbriyugmaḥ khyâtô=vanau VAkpa4 tiraja-påmå || 2 Naddule? samabhût-tadiya-tanayah sri-Lakshmaņô bhupatih 8 ta5 småt-sarv vagun-anvito npipa-varaḥ śrî-Sobhit-akhyabo sutah 1 tasmach-chh[r]i
Va(ba)liraja-na6 ma-ntipatiḥ paschat-tadiyo mahi-khyâtô Vigrabapala ity-abhidhaya rajyê
pitsivyô=bhavat || 3 7 Tasmåt=tîvramahåpratâpa-tarapih patró Mahêmdrô-bhavat-taj-jâch=bri-Anahilladeva
npipatêḥ śr-Jem8 drarajaḥ sutah tasmåd=durddharsvairikumjaravadha-próttalasimh-ôpamaḥ sat
kirttya dhaval[i]kfit-&
1 With reference to the above I may state that Mr. Ojha has sent me a rabbing of a grant (engraved on one side of ono plate oply) of tbe Mahardjddhirdja Kelbanadera, which is dated in line 1: samoat 1228 varah Jy[]shtha vadi 12 86 md. This date also works out satisfactorily only for the andata J yaishtbs of the current Chaitrádi Vikrams year 1223, for which it corresponds to Monday, the 7th June A.D. 1166.
• From two rubbingo supplied to me by Mr. Gaurishankar Hirachand Ojha. Denoted by a symbol.
• Metre: sloks (Anushțubh). These signs of punctuation are superfluous. Metre : Indravajra. Metre of verses 8-6: Sard dlavikridita.
8 Road bhdpatis. • The inscription Chan Sobhita; but as A. has sbhiya, I do not alter the Sobhita of the present inscription to sabhita.