No. 8.)
Third Plate ; Second Side. 13 samaņattar [1] Evam savva-parihårehi parihari14 tavvoys [1] Vijaya-samvyachchharani 15 terass 10 8 Pansha-kalapakkha-dasami (10?][\"]
Fourth Plate. 16 Shashțin varsha-sahasrâpi svarggê kriđati bhůmi-daḥ [1] 17 Achchh@tti ch-Anumantå cha tâny=dys narakel vasốt 11 18 Bahubhir-vasudha datta bahubhig-ch=Anapalita [1] 19 yasya yasya yada bhůmiḥ, tasys tasya tada phala[m] ||
TRANSLATION. Om. (Line 1.) From the prosperous and victorious Véngipura. The villagers of Êlûra, headed by the Muluda, must be addressed as follows) by the word of the glorious Maharaja Vijaya-Dévavarman, the performer of horse-Bacrifices, the Salankayana, the fervent Maheśvara, who is devoted to the feet of the lord (his father, (and) who meditates at the feet of the holy Chitrarathasvimin :
(L. 8.) “ It has been ordered that to this, Ganabarman of the Ba[bhura]? gôtra (thero have to be made over) twenty-20- nivartanas of land in a handsome locality, a house-site (for himself, and) a house-site for the men who receive half the crops and for (his) door-keepers, (and) that the immunities (granted to him) have to be protected. And thus he must be exempted with all immunities. In the victorious year thirteen-13- of the reign), (on) the tenth-[10]- tithi of the dark fortnight of Pausha."
[LI. 16-19 contain two of the usual verses.]
By P. DATA RAM SAHNI. I edit this inscription from two rubbings kindly supplied to me, one by Dr. J. Ph. Vogel, Superintendent, Archeological Survey, Northern Circle, and the other by Mr. G. D. Gangali, Curator, Provincial Museum, Lucknow. A transcript of it has been published before in 1886 by Prof. Hultzsch in the Zeitschrift der Deutscher Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Vol. XL. p. 55.
The slab on which the inscription is engraved is said to have been discovered in the vicinity of the modern city of Benares, and is one of the twenty-four objects which were presented. at the instance of Mr. J. H. Marshall, to the Lucknow Museum by the Principal of Queen's
This word looks almost like narak8. ? Read bhdmir,
* Literally, the village.' • This looks like a Dravidian word, which however cannot be traced in the dictionaries. The plates of Vijaya-Nandivarman (1. 4) seem to read, instead of it, unuda; but the apparent s in the middle of this word may be in reality an obliterated fu.
The genitive bhagavato refers to Chittarathasami, the first member of the following compound. This is of courte grammatical blunder of the officer who drafted the inscription.
• The pronoun this' evidently had been uttered by the king in the presence of the donee, just as ditaham in the plates of Vijaya-Nandivarman, 1. 6.
1 Prof. Kielhorn suggests to me that this doubtful word may be meant for Babhru.
On ardhika or ardhastrin see the Mitakshard on Y&jfsvalkya, I. 166. The Prákpit form addhika occurs in Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 6, text line 89. • The Sanskrit original of dwagga neema to be dedrga, whioh may be taken in the sense of dedhatha.