[Vot. Ix.
38 छेता चानुतन्ता च तान्येव नरके वसेत् । [0.] खद39 तां परदता' वा यो हरत वसुन्धरा । स विष्ठा40 या कर्मिभूता' पितभिः सह पचते । [4] इति क. 41 'वलदताम्वुविन्दुलोला नियमनुचिस्य मनुष्य42 जीवितं च क.कलमिदमुदाहत' च बुध्वा न हि पुरु43 पैः परकीयो विलोप्याः । श्रीश्रीवनिदेव44 स्य पाद[पनोप]जीविना' । श्रीमहारापालेन लि.
Third Plate ; Second Side. 45 खितं शासनं शुभम् । [१..] प्रवर्षमानविज46 यराज्ये सब ३ कात्तिक १] दिन ३. [1]
TRANSLATION. (Line 1.) Om. Hail! From Srivardhanapura.
(Verse 1.) (There was) king Srivardhana (I.), the lord of the family of her who was born in the great valley of the lofty peaks of the Kailasa mountain, (and) famous on (this) earth (as) the ornament of the Sailavamia. His son Pfithuvardhana, formerly having drawn the sword with his own arm, at once overcame the Gaurjars country by (his various) attacks.
(V. 2.) King Sauvardhana, who was born in his family, begat three sons of his own, who in due course aoquired the glory of heroism on the circle of the earth. One of them, possessing valour, having killed the Paundra king who was skilled in rending up his powerful enemies, took the whole of that country.
(V. 3.) The third of them, 10 of white (s.e. pare) character, the vanquisher of foes, having forcibly killed the self-conceited (and) cruel king of the Kadis, took Kadi (from him). His son, known by the name of Jayavardhana (I.), the best of kings, having killed the lord of the Vindhya, took up his residence in the Vindhya for a long time.
(V. 4.) His son was Srivardhana (II.), the lord of the Vindhya, who possessed immovable (permanent) wealth like the immovable Vindhya mountain itself, who banished poverty by gifta of elephants, (and) who augmented the prosperity of various (other) big families.
(V. 6.) His son, skilled in destroying all (his) enemies (and) a treasury of great virtues, was called Jayavardhana (II.). The goddess of Wealth so closely embraced him that the goddess of Fame, as if (jealous of her cowife), out of anger ascended to the heavens. 11
. Read चानुमन्ना
- Read परदा .
- Read अमिभूखा. • Read कमखदखानुबिन्दु
• Rand सदात.
• Read गुहा The words in brackets are very common in inscriptions; 4 og Ind. Ant. Vol. IV. p. 210, note 8. • Read संवत्
. I take drona.cathso to stand for dronljd-vana in accordance with Pap. VI. 8. 88. and to mean the Gadgd-vashta.
1. Literally, another than the two.' 11 The idon is that he was very wealthy, and that his fame reached up to the heavens.