(V. 20.) From these two sprang Bafta-Kandar padova, whose bravery was known as far as the shores of the four oceans, who was a grinding-stone to (his) enemies, who dwelt in the hearts of beautiful women, who was a refuge to all men, (and) who was a store of merit and beauty, (just as from (Hari and Lakshmi) sprang the god Kandarpa (i.6. Oupid), whose prowess is known as far as the shores of the four oceans, who is a grinding-stone to (his) enemies, who abides in the minds of beautiful women, who is a refuge to all persons, (and) who is a store of heavenly beauty).
(V. 21.) This king, overranning, by means of his own valour, the earth shining with the girdle of the four oceans, became (.e. was known as) Sri-Kirti-Narayana, just as the god (Vishnu), covering, with his stride, the earth shining with the girdle of the four oceans, was known as SH-Kirti-Narayana; on hearing of whose birth, the lustre of the faces, the minds, and the heads of (his) enemies, whose understanding was bewildered, simultaneously experienced dejection, fear, and the cavity of the hands folded (as a mark of) servitude.
(V. 22.) This Indraraja (III.), having uprooted Meru (Mahodaya P) with ease, was not puffed up with pride at (his) defeating (king) Upendra who had saved Govardhana, just as the god Indra, who uprooted (Mount) Môru with ease, was not paffed up with pride at (his) vanquishing (the god) Upêndra (Krishna) who had uplifted the Govardhana (mountain).
(V. 23.) This lord of the earth, entitled to obeisance from all mon, on founding many endowments to temples and agraháras (to Brahmanas), to be respected (by all), became, in point of fame for charity, superior to Parasurama, the greatness of whose merits shone by the gift of a single insignificant village.
(LL. 43-56.) And he, the Paramabhaftáraka Maharajddhiraja Paramédvara, the prosperous Nityavarshanarendradêve, who meditates on the feet of the Paramabhaffaraka Maharajadhirdja Paramétvara, the prosperous Akalavarshadêve, being well, commands all the lords of provinces (rdshfra), lords of districts (vishaya), chiefs of villages, leading persons, officials, employés, functionaries, eto., according as they are concerned -
“Be it known to you that by Me, who resides at the capital of Manyakheta (and) who has come to Kurundaka for the glorious festival of the binding of the fillet,- for the enhancement of the religious merit and fame, in this world and the next, of (My) parents and Myself-with heartfelt devotion-eight centuries of years increased by thirty-six having elapsed since the time of the Baka king, on the seventh (tithi) of the bright (fortnight) of Phalguns in the Yuva-samvatsara-having, on the completion of the glorious festival of the binding of the fillet, ascended the Tuldpurusha, and having, without coming down from the pan, given away, together with twenty lakhs and a half of drammas, Kurundaka and other villages, and four hundred villages besides, that had been confiscated by previous kings, was bestowed to-day, by pouring water from the hand, for the sake of the Bali, Oharu, Vaišvaddva, Agnihotra and Atithisantarpana, -apon Siddhapabhatta, of the Lakshmana gôtra, a student of the VajiMadhyandins (fákhd), (and) the son of Sri-Vennapabhatta who had come from Påtaliputra,the village of the name of Tenna in the vicinity of Kammanijja situated in the country of Leţa, defined by the four boundaries, vis to the east Våradapallika, to the south Nambhitataka, to the west Vallsa, (and) to the north the village of Vavviyana, together with the royal share,
1 There can hardly be a doubt that this verse is intended to yield two meaningu, one mythological and the other historical. The first is clear, but the historical sense is by no means evident ; see above, p. 27 t.
* Thero is here play on the word kw, which means both the earth' and insignificant. 1. Gift of gold, eto., equal to a man's weight."-Monier-Williams' Dictionary.
According to No. I. 1. 49 ft.-"upon Prabhakarabhafta of the Lakshmana gátra, a student of the Vaji. Madhyandina (odkend), and the son of Rapapabhatta,- the village of the name of Umvark in the vicinity of Kammanij situated in the country of Lata, defined by the four boundaries, vie, to the out Toldjaka, to the south Mogalika, to the west the village of Bakt, (and) to the north Javalakapaka."