No. 53.).
Second Side. 10 bhir-atîtair=Agåmibhis-ch-aitavadbhiḥ svavansy [ai]$2 sah=&dhỏ [y]iyâsaḥ svalpåm-api
pidan-kuryya]ta-kårayed-anu manyets Vå 88 pancha11 bhir=mmahậpåtakair=upapatakais-cha s&[m]yuktah [syat panas-ch=8]gminn-arth
bhagavata Vyåsên=&bhihitam shashtim varsha-sahasrani 12 svarggê módati bhúmidah [lo] achchhêttà ch=anumanta cha tâny-êva narake
vasêd=ity-êvamadi-slikâh Guptåna samvvatsa13 ra-saté 200 80 Bhadra di 10 83 dûtakas-cha råjaputra-Subhadraḥ
utkirņpam cha Lakshmanên-êti llll
TRANSLATION. (LI. 1 to 4.) Om! Hail! From Suvarņqanadi; the illustrious Maharaja Bhimasena, possessed of power and gacoess, triumphant with virtue (and) giver of many lawfully acquired jewels, cows, land, gold, precious metals, etc. (was) the great grandson of the illustrious Maharaja Sûra, who was equal to all virtuous royal sages in lineage, power and fame, the grandson of the illustrious Maharaja Dayita, beloved of his subjects, the son of the illustrious Maharaja Vibhishana to whom fendatory kings bowed (and who was) terrific to his enemies.
(Ll. 4 to 6.) His son (was) the illustrious Maharaja Dayitavarman, the follower of his (father's) conduct, whose court was attended by great and good personages). His son (is) the illustrious Maharaja Bhimasena, who meditates on his father's) feet and is extremely devoted to the gods, preceptors and Bråhmans. (He) being in good health (and) wishing good luck to Brâhmans and other inhabitants) of Vatapallikâ in the district of Dónda, orders (as follows):
(LI. 6 to 8.) This village is given by me, while ruling prosperously, for the purpose of increasing the religious merit of (my) mother, father and myself, to Harisvâmin and Bappasvåmin (both of the Bharadvája gôtra, (students of the Rigveda, as an agrahara,+ with all taxes, and lasting up to the time of the great dissolution of the universe.
(LI. 8 to 13.) Therefore, being obedient to their commands, you should render (to them) in proper manner the taxes such as gold and bullion, etc. If anybody, being regardless of the two worlds and wishing to go to hell with ten past and (a similar number of) future (generations) of his family, does, causes to be done, or assents to even a small harm to this (charity), he would become joined with five great sins and also minor sins. Moreover, in this matter it has been said by the venerable Vyåsa : "the giver of land enjoys in heaven for sixty thousand years, (but) the confiscator (of a grant) and he who assents (to an act of confiscation) shall dwell for the same number of years in hell," and so forth (in other) verses. In the year of the Guptas in hundreds 200, 80 2 in the month of) Bhadra on the day 10 8(P). Prince Subhadra was the dataka (officer carrying the king's orders). Engraved by Lakshmana.
Read ta niyaih.
Read pidath kuryydl. I am indebted to Dr. Konow in helping me to elucidate these somewhat curiously formed figures. A grant made in favour of god or Brahmana.
I.e. regardless of the consequences which may follow in this and the next world.
• For these see Ydjapalkya-smriti, verse 227 of the PrayaschittadhyAye. They are : killing & Brahman drinking, theft, visiting & preceptor's wife, and association with any of these offences. The minor offences are enumerated further on from verses 234 to 242.
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