No. 53.]
may be inforzod what they were something like the Parivrájaka Maharajas of Dabhala (Jubbalpore country) and were like them vassals of the Early (or Imperial) Guptas in whose ers our inscription is dated. The Parivrajaka inscriptions range from 475 to 528 A.D., and ours belongs to the Gupta year 282 or A.D: 601. - Dar inscription introduces us to another similar family under the overlordship of the Gaples, which apparently continued to be acknowledged, at Toast ir Chhattisgarh, up to so lato dato as the commencement of the 7th century AD. It was in the middle of the 4th century that Samadro-Grepta-conquered the Mahdidla (Chhattisgarte) contes by defeating the then ruling king Mahindra, of whom we know nothing beyond hio mame od so have no materials to establish any connection between him and the dynasty of our inscription. Wo know that Mahendra was not onated. He was liberated, and his dynasty must have contimued to rule for about 100 yoars, if Bhimasena's family was a different one. The first king Band of the latter line must have flourished in the middle of the 5th century, to judge trom the number of generations which intervened between the two. In Chhattisgarh several dynasties have ruled and many inscriptions have been found, but ours is the only one among them which is dated in the Gapta ers. In other parts of India, too, inscriptions referring to the Guptas have been discovered, and their era remained in use even after their imperial power had come to an end. That is, in the words of Dr. Fleet, though the direct line of the Early Gupta dynasty itself may have become extinct, Gupta dominion still continued, and the name of the Gapta kings was still recognised as a power down to A.D. 601. Prior to the discovery of our inscription, the latest date expressly given in the Gapta era was only 528 A.D. It is true that the inscriptions of the Valabhi kings show that the Gapta era continued in nee in Kathiawad and some neighbouring parts of Gujarat, at least as late as A.D. 766,but the era has not been specifically named after the Gaptas in them.
The exact date of our inscription appears to be the 18th of the Bhadra month of the Gupta year 882. It does not admit of verification, as the week day is not mentioned. Its English equivalent, as calonlated by Mr. Gokul Prasad, Tahaldar of Dhamtari, is Tuesday, the 88nd August 601, on the assumption that the Gupta era began on 26th February 320 A.D. which is taken as the coronation day of Chandra Gapta 1. The accuracy of the above calculation cannot, however, be relied on, owing to the uncertainty as to whether the date is really the 18th, the figare for 8 being doubtful. Again, there is the question of intercalation and the alteration of the commencement of the year by the Valabht kings who put it back 7 months, which may also interfere with the rockoning. So much, however, is certain that our inscription was recorded in the year 601 A.D. With regard to geographical names, Suvarnnanadi is apparently the Son, which rises from the Amarkantak hills and after a course of about 40 miles in Chhattisgaph finally joins the Ganges. It has been identified with the Sonos of Arrian as also with his Erannoboas, the other Sanskrit name of the Sôn being Hiranyaváha or Hiranyavahin. The Bon is frequently mentioned in Hindi literature, in the Ramayanas of Valmiki and Tulsidas.
[Cunningham described (Reports, Vol. IX. p. 26) two silver coins of a certain Bhfmans, who must have belonged to a dynasty which succeeded the Graptas. The peacock device of the Guptas is continued on these coins, but the face of the obverse are turned to the left us if to denote a change of dynasty-Bd.]
Gupta Inscriptions, p. 12.
Ibid. Introduction, p. 8. [The Tezpur inscription dated Gupta 510 is of different kind. See Kielhorn, Gottinger Nachrichten, 1905, pp. 466 and ft.-8. K.) [The Ganjam District plates of Subankarája are dated in the Gaupta year 300 corresponding to A.D. 619-20 (above, Vol. VI. p. 143)-V. Venkayye.]
Ibid. p. 18. The Verwal inscription is dated in Valabht-Sauvat 945 or 1264 A.D. the extending its use to period 500 years still later (see Indian Antiquary, 1891, p. 885).
Smith's Early History of India, Ind Edition, p. 266.
For discussion on this subject, we Dr. Kiebora's poetacript to my article on the Bedar pind (AB86, 'Vol. VIII. p. 288).
1 See Indian Antiquary, 1902, p. 267