Verse 1 invokes Sambhu, v. 2 the boar incarnation of Vishnu, and v. 3 Ganesa.
Vv. 4-5 trace the genealogy of the family from the Moon.
(Vv. 6-7.) In his (i.e. Turvasu's) line was born the husband of Dêvaki, king Timma, as famous among the Tuluvas as Krishna was among the Yadus. To him was born king Îsvara, a jewelled crown of virtues to kings, (and) the husband of Bukkama.
(V. 8.) To him, the son of Dêvaki, was born king Narasa, as Kâma (was born) from the son of Devaki (Krishna).
Vv. 9-10 describe his generosity and his conquest of the kingdom of Tamcha (ie, the Chôla country) and Srirangapaṭṭana.
(V. 11.) Conquering the Chêra and the Chôla, Manabhûsha, the Pandya king of Madura, also the fierce Turushka, king Gajapati and others from the Ganges to Lanka, and from the Eastern to the Western mountains, he made all kings bear his commands on their heads as flowers on their crowns.
(Vv. 12-14.) Of Tippâji and Nagaladevi, like Rama and Lakshmans of Kausalya and Sumitra to Dasaratha, were born to him two sons Vira-Nrisimha and Krishnaraya who were brave and modest. To him were also born of Obâmbikâ two (more) sons able in protecting (the subjects), Rangakshitindra and Achyutadêvarâya.
(V. 15.) Vira-Narasimha, seated on the jewelled throne at Vijayanagara, eclipsing by fame and policy Nriga, Nala, Nahusha and others of the world, praised by the Brahmapas from Sêtu to Mêra, from the Eastern to the Western mountains, ruled the kingdom pleasing the hearts of all people.
(Vv. 16-18.) His praises.
(V. 19.) Having ruled his large kingdom without obstacles, the king of the earth, famous for his virtues, went to heaven as if to rule the kingdom of heaven.
(V. 20.) After him, king Krishnaraya, of unabated valour, bore the whole of the earth on his shoulders with as much ease as a jewelled bracelet.
(Vv. 21-23.) Praises of Krishnaraya.
(V. 24.) When Krishnaraya had taken for his part the world of the devas (i.e. had died) his younger brother Achyutêndra, doer of good deeds, conqueror of foes, worshipper of Vishnu, who made gifts satisfying the desires of the learned, got for his share the whole of this earth. (Vv. 25-26.) Praises of Achyutêndra.
(V. 27.) When, having set up on earth a body in the form of his fame, Achyutêndra reached Vishnu's abode, his brave son Venkataraya ascended the throne.
(Vv. 23-30.) He who was like the flower-arrowed Kâma, and was ruling his kingdom (well), owing to the bad luck of his subjects, soon went to the city of Indra. The son of Rangakshitindra and the precious pearl of the sacred womb of Timmâmbâ, king Sadasivaraya, who was like the santana tree on the hill of devas, was duly installed on the throne that was the jewel of the prosperous town, Sri-Vidyanagari, by king Rama, his sister's husband, the protector of the goddess Śri of the great kingdom of Karnâța, who was an ornament to all Kshatriyas, who was endowed with valour, nobility and kindness, and by the chief ministers.
(Vv. 31-43.) Praises of Sadasivaraya.
(Vv. 44-45.) On Monday, the new moon tithi of the dark half of the month Pausha, during the Makara-samkramana, in the year Prabhava, (corresponding to) the Saka year counted by the nidhis (9), the varanas (8), the vedas (4), and indu (1) (i.e. Saka 1489) on the banks of the sacred river Kâvêrî, in the presence of (the god) Ranganatha, (this grant is made).