No. 51.)
Second Plate ; Second Side. 13 ब्रामण: नानागत्र छन्दोगसब्रह्मचारिणे यमनियमपारगाय षट[i]14 farcare(1) @CUCIRE : [**]
TRANSLATION. Hail! (Line 1.) From (his) residence in the prosperous Pishțapura, -the great-grandson of Ranaråga, who repeatedly indulged in the passion of fighting in order to elevate the family of the Cha[lu]kyas, who were Hâritipatras, who belonged to the gótra of the Manavyas, who were protected by the Matris, the mothers of the three worlds, (and) who were rendered prosperons by Mahåbêna, who by his own arm had defeated the great army of the sons of Danu ;
(L. 4.)-the grandson of Ranavikrama, whose valour was insuperable; the dear son of Kirtivarman, whose renown was extensive ; (and) the dear younger brother of Saty[@]grayaVallabha-Maharaja, who had subdued the circle of the whole earth by the triad of (regal) powers;
(L. 6.)-the devout worshipper of Bhagavat, the very pious one, who meditated at the feet of his mother and father,- Sri Vishnuvardhana-Maharaja, who by the edge of his own sword humbled the circle of all the vassals, who by the splendour of his own beauty, virtues and youthfulness far surpassed Cupid," who (was surnamed) Vishamasiddhi because he had obtained BUCCOBS (siddhi) in impassable straits (vishama) on land, on see, etc., who was a cow of plenty (kámadhênu) constantly yielding milk to suppliants, (and) who was the [Tri]vikrama (Vishnu) of the world of men because his valoar surpassed (that of all) mankind;
(L. 11.)-has granted four thousand nivartanasin the fields on the eastern side of the village named Kumûlûrs in the Palaki district (vishaya), having portioned (them) off, to forty Bråbmaņas of various gôtras, residing in [Pofunûika), belonging to the school of the Chhandôgas observing the greater and smaller rules, engaged in the six duties, (and) familiar with the Veda.
By Sten Konow. The slab on which the inscription published below is incised was found during the excavations carried on by Mr. Marshall and myself in Sârnâth, in March 1908. It was dug out to the north of the Dhamêkh stúpa, to the south of the raised mound running east and west over the remnants of the old monasteries of the Gupta period. The writing covers almost the whole of the surface of the stone, via. 21' 153', and it is in a perfect state of preservation. The average size of the letters is ".
The characters are Nagari, of a very ornamental type, and the engraving has been done with considerable skill. Of individual letters, the form of the cerebral fa in -bhataḥ and kándapatikah in line 8 is worthy of notice. There are comparatively few orthographical peculiarities. V is used for 6 throughout, and sia is used instead of the anusvára in sudhanisôb-, line 11. There are some few miswritings such as harmmá- for dharmma., 1. 6; praksható for prakhyátó, 1. 8; vishmayakarô for vismaya- and rashmadrisaih for Easmadrisai), 1.13; -nênrdbhirama- for nêtr., 1.15; nrin for tri-, 1. 22; mahibhája) for mahibhujah, 1. 19, etc. The forma Kumaradevi,
1 For other instances in which naptri has this meaning, see above, Vol. IV. p. 329 and note 2. · I.e. the god of war.
I.e. the Dinavas or demons • Literally, the bearer of the makara-banner.' . This would give 100 wioartanas for each of the 40 donees.