[Vot. Ix.
The same district seems to be referred to in the Chipurupalle plates of Vishnuvardhana I., where the name has been read doubtfully as Paki-vishaya ;' but, if the facsimile can be trusted, the engraver has written in reality Plaki-vishayé, which may be meant for Palaki-vishaye.
First Plate.
स्वस्ति। 1 श्रीमत्पिष्टपुरवासका स्वभुजविजितदनुतनयम() हासेनेन महा . 2 सेनेनाभिवहितानान्तिभुवनमातृभिर्मातृभिरभिरक्षितानां मानव्यस[गो]3 बाणां [हा]रितिपुत्राणां 'चक्यानामन्वयमुबमयितुमसकदनुभू]. , 'तरणरागस्य रणरागस्य नप्तासधविक्रमस्य रणविक्रमस्य पौत्रो] 5 विपुलकीर्तेः कीर्तिवर्मणप्रियसुतः शक्तित्रयवशिक्कतसकलमहीम-1 6 गडलस्य सत्य[*] यवनभमहाराजस्य प्रियानुजः स्वासिधार[1] नामित[स]
Second Plate ; First Side. 7 मस्तसामन्तमण्डल: स्वरूपगुणयौवनश्रीया" दूरमतिम[यित]8 मकरध्वजः स्थलजलादिदुर्गविषमेष्वपि लब्धसिद्धित्वाहिषमसिडिर[थिं]9 जन:नित्यप्रसुतकामधेनुः लोकातिशयविक्रमतया नरलोक[वि]10 [क]म[:]" परमभागवत: परमब्रह्मण्यो मातापितृपादानुद्य[*]त: श्रीविष्णु
वईन]11 महाराजः (a) पकिविषये (1) कुमूलूरनामग्रामे पूर्वदिशे" क्षेत्रे च. 12 [वा]रि सहसनिव[तं] नानि छेदं कृत्वा () [पोटुनूक]व[*]स्तव्याय()"
JInd. ant. Vol. xx. p. 18, text line 13. 1 Dr. Barnell's South-Ind. Pal., 2nd ed., Plate xxvii. . From two sets of ink-impressions received from Rai Bahadur Venkayya.
• This word is entered on the left margin of plate i. opposite the beginning of line 4 The sign of punctuation after it runs into the following akahara 2; it resembles in shape the symbol called in Tamil Piffaiydr-fuļi. ___ The tok श्री is obliterated.
• The final # of GET is entered at the top of the next akahara . Another final t is entered at the top of the of the preceding word ogro; perhaps the writer wanted us to read Ogi.
1 The three aksharas ruiaf are engraved over furt, which was evidently done because they had been originally omitted through an oversight of the engraver. * Read T.
See note 4 above. 10 The न is engraved over Hाcompare note Tabove. Read वी. Rend श्रिया.
1 The Hi seems to be engraved over ; compare notes 7 and 10 above. Instead of fama: I suspect 'विविक्रम: to be intended by the scribe.
1. This mark of punctuation runs into the next akshara . Read Ofefe. Read furetimevefu.
- Read वास्तव्येभ्यश्चत्वारिंशत बामणेभ्यो नामागीचेभ्यस्छन्दीगसब्रमचारिभ्यी यमनियमपरभ्यः षटकर्मनिरतेभ्यी बेदपारमेभ्यी दत्तवान् ॥