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ratau overlaps the gut of gurat and rau of the latter has been deformed into something like ran of the former. Now the question arises, "Why was the date corrected ?" The reason may be that the grant was originally intended to be made on the panchadasi, on the occasion of a limar eclipse which was expected to take place on that date. A little calculation will show that the eclipse did actually occur on the specified dato (corresponding to Thursday, the 7th of November, 1000 A.D.), but as the time of its occurrence was early in the following morning (according to caloulation), it must have been very doubtful whether it would be visible at the place visited by Chandraddra. This circumstance may have been anticipated, and it may have been decided to make the donation on the preceding Prabodhini Ekadasi (Sunday, the 3rd of November, 1090 A.D.) which was a most suitable day for the purpose, being the day on which Vishọa-the deity worshipped by Chandradêva - rises from his four months' sleep. I say all this may have been the cause of the alteration in the date, for there is no a priori reason against this supposition. But I consider it very unlikely that & Maharaja, who changed his mind about the actual day of performing & religious ceremony, could have allowed a correctionand a clumsy correction at the best-to be made in the copper plate inscription recording the gift of a whole village, when the entire inscription could have been cat on a new plate in a day's time. The fact seems to be that it is no honour to a Brahmap to receive a gift on the occasion of an eclipse, and there are certain sects of Brahmaps, e.g. Sarjuparis and Kananjiyas, who would promptly excommunicate any member of their community who was known to have received a gift on account of an eclipse. The Brahman who received the manificent gift from Chandradeva probably belonged to one of these sects, and, after the king had made the gift and departed, he seems to have thought of concealing his disgraceful conduct and to have caused the original and genuine date to be altered as explained above."
Mr. Chhote Lal further identibes Vadagave with the present Baragaon, a village 14 miles north-west of Bonares. He thinks it, however, also possible that it was the old name of Chandravati, which was afterwards changed in honour of king Chandradova.
After the mention of the grant, we find some of the usual imprecatory verses, and, at the end, the name of the writer, the fhakkura Mahapanda.
TEXT.1 1 Om svasti || Sakarth-8tkantha-Vaikuntha-kantha-pitha-lathat- karab I samrambhaḥ
surat&rambhê sa Sriyaḥ śrêyasê=sta vah II &sid=asi(si) tadya2 ti-vatnsa (sa)-játa-[kshmA]påla-málåsu divam gatågu sâkshad-Vivanvån=iva
bh Gridhâmná nämna Yasovigraba ity-adåraḥ || tat-sutô-bh ût(n)= Mahichandra3 sa cha[n]dradhâma-nibham nijam yên=¶m=aküpåra-pårê vyåpåritam yaśaḥ ||
Stasy= abhät-tanayo nay-aikarasikab kramta-dvishan-mam dâld(mamdalo)
Tyiddhast-oddhatadhîra-yodha-timirah Sri-Chandradevo nfipah yên- od&ratara-pratapa-sa(sa)mit
Asboha-prajópadravath srimad-Gadhipur-Adhirajgam-agamam dôrvikra5 mên-Arjitam 11 tirthâni Kasi-Kusik(-sik)-Ottarakošal(sal)-Endra(b)sthåniyakani
paripálsyat-abhigamyah(ya) I hôm=åtmatulyam=anisam (san) dadata dvijêbbyô 6 yên-Am kita vasumati batasa (fa)e-tulábbih 11 cha paramabhattâraka-maharaja
dhiraja-paramèsva (sva)ra-paramamahêsva(sva)ra-nijabhajópå[ro]jita-sri-K&7 nyskuvj(bj)-Adhipatya-fri-Chandradevo vijayi ilovávana-pattalåyå Vadagava
gramê nivå[sing nikhila)-jana-padån=upagatâ n-api cha rja-rajñi-yavara
• Metre: Anushtabb. Metre : stridlavikridita.
From the original plate.
· Expressed by a symbol. • Metro: Indra vajri.
Metre: Anushtabb. Bead vidheast.
Metro: Vantatilaka. This sign of interpanction is superfluou.