No. 37.)
As regards the localities, the inscription mentions Vaijulvaka, from where both this grant and the Gumsar grant of Netfibhañja were issued, the Ramalavva vishaya and in it the village of Tundurkva. I have not found the names of these places on the sheets of the Indian Atlas where I have looked for them.
First Plate ; Second Side. 1 Om [11] SJayata Kusumavå(ba)ņa-pråpa-vikshô bha-dakahati svaki2 rapapariveshorjjityA-jirņpêndulekhan [1] tribhuvanabhavan- - . 3 ntar-dydtabhasvat-pradipam kanakani(ni)kasha-gaura vibhru? netra 4. Harasya (ll"] sŚêshaher-avao yê phank[bo] pravilasanty-udbha5 svarèndu-tvisha[b] pra(pra)l@yachala-épingakotta(ta)ya iva tva6 ganti ya(yd)-tyunnata [h] [18] nfittatopa-vighattita iva bhuj& rd7 janti yê BA[]bhavås-te sarvv&gha-vighatina[bo] surása 8 rit[t*]ôg-ormmayab pånt[a] vaḥ [ll] Svasti [lo] Vijaya-Vaijulvaka-10
Second Plate ; First Side. 9 d-astill fri-vijaya-nilayaḥ prakațaganagana-gra10 sta-samastari(ri)pavargga[b]" 18[Sri-Dharmma P] kalasa-nama rd11 ja nirddhutall- kalikalashakalmasha[bo] fri-Ranabhažjadêve.15 12 sya prapaatra[bo] dri-Digbhasjadevasyal napta sri-si13 läbhañjadêvasya sataḥ paramamahégvarð matapi14 tri-padanudhyati Bhaijamalakula17-tilakd mahård15 ja-srl-Vidyadha[ra']bhajadêvasya18 kugali Ramalavva 19
1 From the original plates. Denoted by a symbol.
Metro: Malint. • Originally ranapiri was engraved, but the i of pi has been struck out.
Read shaurjjitya. - Compare Raghupaáfa v. 74: wwabiraraparishodb Adda-fnyd pradipd. • Resd -pradtpah.
Bend babhrw, this word is synonymous with pingala, and Sivs is pingaldksha. Compare also above, Vol. VI. p. 200, 1.1 of the text.-The Gumsur grant has chdruh [In letter which nere reached the sath or I soggeted that oibhrw is correet and should be translated "brow.less.-8. K.) Metre : śårddlavikrlạita.
.. Reading 10 These four akaharariro quito clear in the nriginal. Dr. Rajendralal's text hos Valjaloakd. The Gamer grant appears to have Vdnjuloakdt, which by Kamalakinta wa misread Vdiohalikdatu.
11 Read tl Anti frf-. 11 The visarga which I have added here and below before frl is not absolutely necessary.
1 The words in these brackets are conjectural. As will be seen from the facsimile, four atalarar were originally engraved here, but they were partly struck oat or altered and the difficulty is enhanced by the fact that remnants of letters whlob were originally engraved on these plates are mixed up with the new letters. I consider it certain that the first akshara is intended to be fri (for fry), and that the last contained the conjunct' wm.The corresponding pasage of the Gumsûr grant is : Loti jagafrt-wilayah peskefaguna-grasta-farveripugarpa frf-Kalydpakalaka-ndmd ndja.
1 Rend wirddadta.
10 In the frosimile the frit akshara (ra) of this name might be read ora (and was read so by Dr. RAJendrall), bat in the original it is distinctly ra, and what looks liko ois remnant of what was originally engraved on the plate.
10 This name is clear in the original and so is the next. Dr. Rajendrall read the two namo Divabhaifa and Sizeihanja. 11 Dr. Rajendrall read Bhajanala-kula..
. Read Gears w The first three akshanas of this namo are clear in the original, the last might be road dha. Dr. Babadrull rond Vanaladhatja, but regarded the letters m doubtful