No. 36.]
21 ripah sunaya-bala-parAkram-Omob hinna arvvadi22 shah maharajadhiraja-fri-Daragupta-suthyd23 m-Prabhavatiguptâyêu-atpandaya Vakata24 avans-Alai karabhatasya Sambhôh prasadad-dhra(dhri)25 a-kårtta yogasys Vakatakand[m]-mahårájja (a)-tri(Ert). 26 Pravarasónasya sûnôh purvvadhigata-guna27 Ovidáva[s&P]d-apahfite-vansadriyah? KONTA
Third Plate. 28 MekaA®-MAlav-Adhipatir-abhyarohchata 106AAOasya pra29 Apa-pralatárisanasyal VikatakanAm-mah30 raja-fri-19 Narendrasenasys 800K=Kuntaladhipati. 31 saty[m]=mahadevym-Ajjhita-bhattarikayam-t32 tpannasya tôjah-kaham-sannidhanabhuta-18 83 Bys dyimagna-vansasy15a0ddharttuḥ Vikatakang34 m-paramabhagavata-maharaja-eri16.Prithivishd35 pasya Vachanåt17 asmatsantak18 sarvv-8ddhyaksha
BY TAX LATE PROFESSOR F. KIELHORN, O.I.E.; GÖTTINGEN. There is no information as to where or when the plates were first obtained. In 1887 they belonged to Mr. 0. T. Metcalfe, Commissioner of the Orissa Division, and the inscription which is engraved on them was published in that year, with a facsimile, by the late Dr. Rajendralal Mitra, in the Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. LVI. Part I. p. 154 ff. In November 1895 the plates were presented by the Commissioner of Orissa, through Mr. C. L. Griesbach, to the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and they have now been entrusted to me by Dr. Hoernle, with the request to re-edit the inscription.
There are thrbe substantial copper-plates, the edges of which are slightly rained, and of which each measures between 618" and 61' long by between 31 and 31 high. They slide op a copper ring, which passes through a hole, which is about f' distant from the middle of
1 Read dohokhinde. * Read' -frf-.
. Read -lagad Instead of this to the Chammak and Siwan grants of Pravarans II. hare tis whloh some home preferable
Here some abalans (perhaps the initial ) ww engraved, but has been resed. ... The reading is doubtful. The first abshara of the line is vi, the vaparicript i of which, thoughi fint, is distinctly visible in the original and the second appears to be fod. The third otshara look more l'boyd thaa.
d, and is followed by a sign which looks like a form of final , and has probably been struck out. The da and what follows is clear. Band-athafriya).
& Bend KoalaPerhaps Maibald-how actually been engraved; read Mabala. 2 Band paty-abhyarokchila-.
Bond prajatéritssandiya ) 1 Bond-fr
Benido Here again there is a mark which looks like part of the visarga. * Land wil)wagind-tadory
W.Read free Tbilo tek 1, the night for which is very small, to roully viešblb in the original plate b ejida Immon L'17, the heat oiland [.
ir Band santaldo, and cumpare above, Vol. IIL p. 301, L'18'.