Kadambanam in Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 26, 1. 5 and Vol. VII. p. 35, 1. 4, and above, Vol. VI. p. 14, 1. 4, and p. 18, 1. 5.
The inscription, not having been finished, contains no date of any kind, but it may be assigned with probability to about the second half of the 8th century A.D.
First Plate. I... 'Vėmbara-våsakâd=agnishtôm-&ptöryy&m-okthya2 shodaby-atiratra-vâjapê ya-brihaspatisava-s&dys3 skra-chaturagvamódba-yajinah Vishnuvfiddha-sagotra4 sya samrat Våkåtåkanam-mahårája-sri-Pravarase5 nasya ûnôs-sûnôb atyanta-Svámi-Mahd6 bhairava-bhaktasya anga-bhâra-sannivèsita-Siva7 ling-odvahana-Siva-suparitushţa-samatpådita8 rájavansanam 10-parikram-Adhigata-Bhagiratthy-Amala-11 9 jala-19mürddhnabhishiktan an-daśasvamêdh-va
Second Plate; First Side. 10 bhritha-snâtânâm-Bharasivånam-18mahârâja-bri-14Rudrash11 nasya sûnôh atyanta-mihêśvarasya saty-Arjjava12 karunya(nya)-sauryya-vikrama-naya-vinaya-mah13 tmya-dhimatva.patragatabhaktitva-dharmmavijayitva-16 man[8] 26 14 dairmmály-Adir-1"gama-samuditasya varshsha-fata15 m-abhivarddhamana-kosa-dada-sadhana-santana-putra16 paatri(tri)pab Yudhishthira-vrittêr-18Vvakatakanam-maha17 raja-bri(eri)-Prithivishenasya sûnô[bo] bhagavata18 S=Chakrapaņe[bo] prasad-opârjjita-sri-19
Second Plate ; Second Side, 19 samadagasys V&katakanäm-mabårája-bri-90 Rudra20 senasya sdnôh spürvvaraj-&nuvfitta-må[r*]gg-Anu(nu)sd
From the original plates
At the commencement of this line there is an empty space sufficient for about three akaharas. One would have expected here the word drishfam, with which the three grants of Pravarasêna II. begin.
* This sign of visarga is clearly visible in the original. Here and in other places below the rules of sandhi have not been observed.
• The plates of Pravarnadns II. have nomndd (), tashrap, and ramrdtah. Read zamrdjah (or samrdid). Read -fr.
The akshara nl is clear in the original. Here is a mark in the original which looks like the apper half of a visarga. * Read ansa
In this word and everywbere below the conjunct *is denoted by a sign which is really the sign for s. 10 Read asfanams,
11 Read Bhagfrathy-amala.. 13 Read-wrddiablo, compare Gupta Imer. p. 237, 1. 6.
1 Here the words mabardja-frt-Bhavanaga-daukitrasya Gautamiputranya putrasya Pakatakdrdm of the cognate plates bave erroneously been omitted.
14 Read-frl.
Bend -d mattpa-pátrdgatabhaktatua-dharmmavijayitva. 1 Road -mand. 11 Read nairmmaly-ddi-.
19 Originally uso was engravad. * One would have expected praedddd upd-Bond Srl
30 Read frk. 11 of the three grants of Pravarana II., only the siwani grant has the passage from here to doisha300 Gupta Inscr., p. 246, linea 14 and 16