[Vol. IX.
of Velananda."I Thus Prola who, in his early career, was a Chalukya feudatory, appears to have gradually grown powerful and to have thrown off the imperial yoke in the latter part of the reign of the Wostern Chålukys king Jagadêkamalla II., preparing, thereby, the way for Rudra's extensive conquests, which according to the Anmakonda inscription, reached in the east to the shore of the salt sea and in the south as far as Srisaila.
The other facts mentioned in the sabjoined inscription do not call for any remarks. Melarasa of Ugravadi who belonged to the family of Madhavavarman, is not known from other inscriptions. A feudatory family of the time of the Vijayanagara king Kộishṇaraya, whose members claim to have been lords of Bezvada and were ruling a portion of the Udayagiri-rajya, traces its origin to a certain Malhavavarman of the Solar race and the Vasishthagotra. It is doubtful if this Madhavavarman could be connected with the mythical Madhavavarman referred to in the subjoined inscription as an ancestor of M arasa of Ugravadi.
East Face. 1 Srimaj Jinêmdra-pada-padmam-a2 ssha-bhavyån=avyât-triloka-nți3 patimdra-munindra-vardyat nib. 4 88sha-dosha-parik hamdans chatda-ka5 pdam ratna-traya-prabhavam-udgha
1 Above, Vol. III. p. 83. If this surmise of Professor Hultzsch is granted, Chododays may be identified with the Velanandu chief Kulottunga-Chods-Gonka III (No. 17 of the Genealogical Table of the Velanándu chiefs on P. 35 of above, Vol. IV.) whose inscriptions range between A.D. 1138 and A.D. 1157. And the word C16d6daya, which literally means (one who is) born of Choda' may very aptly be applied to Kulottungs-Cboda-Gonka III., whose father Velankşti-Rajendra-Choda is called Chôda of Velana du in one of his inscriptions at PAlakol, dated in A.D. 1136 (No. 524 of the Epigraphical collection for 1893) and is referred to as king Chôdi in an inscription at Nidubrðlu, dated in A.D. 1132 (No. 183 of the Epigraphical collection for 1897, text line 27 f.), and probably also in the Ganapevaram inscription as king Chôdi, the overlord of the Ayys chief Narayana I. who was the grandfather of Jayana, the general of Ganspati. This identification of Chôdodays with Gonka III. whose latest date as stated above, is A.D. 1157, if correct, would render probable the statement made in the Aumakonda inscription that Chododays died out of fear of Prola's successor Rudra, who burnt his city
This is no boast so far as the southern boundary of Rudra's dominions is concerned. The existence of an inscription of his time at Tripurantakam in the Kurnool district (No. 273 of the Epigraphical collection for 1905) clearly shows that the actual southern boundary of his kingdom extended even beyond Srisails. Rudra appears to have strengthened his position in the Telugu country by a political intermarringe in the race of Kandûrôdays. Chôda (above, Vol. III. p. 83). Ganapati did likewise by taking to wives Naramba and Permbå, the two sisters of his general Jayana (ibid. p. 84). A Tripurantakam inscription (No. 204 of the Epigraphical collection for 1905) states that Ganapati's sister Melâmbikâ married Vakkadimalli Rudra, the second son of Buddha lord of Nåtayâți-vishaya. The same relationship is establisbed by an inscription at Bezvada which is dated in Saks Samvat 1123 (above, Vol. VI. p. 169, text line 8) where Natavađi Budrs (not bis father Buddha as Professor Hultzsch takes it) is called the marandi brother-in-law' of Ganapati. Ganapati's daughter Ganapamba was given in marriage to the Kota chief Bêta of Amaravati (above, Vol. III. p. 94). The Kōta chief Keta II., whose mother Sabbama was the sister of the Vélana du chief Gonka III. (above, Vol. VI. p. 148), had five queens who were selected from the several petty families which at that time appear to bave divided among themselves the country south of the Krishna river. Two unpublished inscriptions from Amaravati in the Guntur district (Nos. 261 and 262 of the Epigraphical collection for 1897) give the names of these five queens as Visijama of the family of the chiefs of Obginimärga (perhaps identical with Ongeramarga over which Nambays of the Darjaya family was ruling; see above, Vol. VI. p. 224); Sabbams of the family ruling the country to the west of the hill," i.e. the Kondapad. matis; Parvati of the family of the chiefs of Kona-Kandravådi; Nagama of the family of the chiefs of Kaksta and Komarama, another princess of the Kondapaduati family. It is doubtful it the Kakati family here mentioned has to be connected with the Kakatiyas of Warangal or if it has to be distinguished as a purely local family which adopted the name Kakati in consequence of its relationship with the Kåkntlyas either directly or indirectly.
Annual Report on Epigraphy for 1906-07, Part II., paragraph 78. From two ink-impressions prepared by me in 1902.