No. 35.]
Sabbi-sâyira (1. 34 f.) as a feudatory of that monarch. According to verses and 5 Vaija's son by Yakamabbe (1. 38 f.) was the pergade Bêta, who became the minister of Kakati Prôla (1.43). The only act of this Bêta which the inscription records, is that he constructed ten houses for gods (i.e. temples) in his native village (v. 5). The wife of this minister Bêtathe son of Yakamâmbika (1. 53 f.)-was Mailama (vv. 6, 7 and 8). Lines 70 to 87 state that she built the Kadalalaya-basadi on the top of the hill (v. 9) and that-in the ChalukyaVikrama (1. 76) year forty-two, which corresponded to the cyclic year Hêmaļambi, on the occasion of the Uttarayana-samkranti, which fell on Monday, the 15th day of the dark half of Paushya, while the king Kakatiya Polalarasa. (1. 73), son of the mandalika Tribhuvanamalla (1. 72) was ruling at Ammakunde (1. 75), she gave for the benefit of that temple six mattar (1. 86) of land below the tank built and named after herself, by her husband Bêtana-pergade (1. 81).1 The pillar that bears the inscription was also set up by Mailama on the same occasion (1. 87). Lines 88 to 99 register a gift of ten mattar (1. 98 f.) of land to the same temple by the mahamandalêsvara Mêlarasa of Ugravaḍi (11. 92 to 94), a member of the family of Madha[va]varman (1. 91) (who possessed a fabulous army) of eight thousand elephants, ten crores of horses and numberless foot-soldiers.' The land which Mêlarasa granted was situated below the Kûchikere tank, which belonged to Orumgallu (1. 95). This town was under the control of Mêlarasa at the time of the grant. Lines 111 to 112 record the assignment of a paga (haga) coin to the temple sweeper Boya-Padda, to be paid, apparently from the proceeds of either of the two grants mentioned above.
The late Professor Kielhorn kindly contributed the following remarks on the date of the inscription:"Ch. V. 42 S. 1039 exp. Hêmalamba. The date regularly corresponds to Monday, the 24th December A.D. 1117. On this day the Uttarayana-samkranti took place 14 h. 55 m. after mean sunrise, during the 15th tithi of the dark half of Pausha, which commenced 0 h. 38 m. after mean sunrise, and ended 0 h. 13 m. before mean sunrise of the following day."
Seven inscriptions of the Kakatiya dynasty have been published so far. The earliest of these belongs to the time of Rudra, five to that of Gapapati, and one to that of Prataparudra. The first of these and the Kâñchi inscription of Ganapatis supplement one another in supplying the full name of the first historical person of the Kakatiya dynasty, viz. Tribhuvanamalla Betma. The Chêbrôlu record of Ganapati and the subjoined inscription give, instead of Betma, the form Bêta. The former of these two records and the unpublished Pakhal inscription of about the time of Ganapati mention a certain Durjaya in the Kakatiya ancestry-the one, as the father of Bêta and the other as the father of Prôla. The Påkhâl inscription further states that chakrin is also used in the sense of 'provincial chief;' above, Vol. IV., p. 96.
This tank is, perhaps, to be identified with the one at the foot of the hillook on which the Padmakshi temple is situated.
2 Nos. 584 to 589 and No. 1066 of Appendix to Vol. VII. above.
This is his Aumakonda inscription of Saka-Samvat 1084, published in Indian Antiquary, Vol. XI. pp. 9 ff. An unpublished record at Tripurântakam in the Kurnool district (No. 273 of the Epigraphical collection for 1905) gives for him the date Saka-Samvat 1107. The initial date of the next king Ganapati being now fixed at Saka-Samvat 1121 (Annual Report on Epigraphy for 1905-06, Part II., paragraph 43) it follows that Rudra must have ruled from at least Saks 1084 to 1121. However, the events recorded in the Anmakonda inscription of Rudra presume a much earlier date for his accession than Saka 1084.
These range in date between Saka 1135 and Saka 1172. The earliest inscription of Ganapati found at Tripurantakam is dated in Saka-Samvat 1131 which was probably his 10th year. He must have been ruling the country round Bezvada already in Saka 1123; see below, p. 262, note 2.
5 Ind. Ant. Vol. XXI. p. 197 ff.
Above, Vol. V. p. 142 ff.
No. 82 of the Epigraphical collection for 1902-03. This is not dated, but records the construction of the (Pakhal) tank by Jagadala-Mummadi, son of Bayyana-Nayaka, a minister of the Kakatiya king Ganapati. One is tempted to connect Jagdalpur, the capital of the Bastar State in the Central Provinces, with the chief JagadaļaMuminadi. The tradition that the kings of Bastar trace their descent from the Kakatiya king Prataparudra (above, p. 164 f.) lends further support to the chief's connection with Jagdalpur.
2 L2