No. 35.]
some Jaina images seated in a row. In front of the temple is an inscribed quadrangular pillar of black granite bearing in relief within a countersunk square, at the top of each of its four faces, the figure of a squatting Jaina ascetic with his arms folded over his lap crosswise. On the east face of the pillar this figure is flanked by a cow and calf on one side and a dagger and shield (?) on the other. The north face of the pillar bears representations of the sun and moon on the right and left sides, respectively, of the squatting Jaina figare. From these sculptures and from the inscription on the pillar, which is published below, it appears that the Padmakshi temple was originally dedicated to the Jainal goddess Kadalalâya and that the pillar was set up there by the lady who built the basadi (Jaina temple). At present the Brahmaņas of Anmakonda, who have somehow got possession of the temple, worship the goddess in it under the name Padmâkshi, which they belicve to be synonymous with Durga. It is not clear how or when'the ownership of the temple passed from the Jainas to the Brahmanas,
Anmakonda, or, as it is called in the subjoined inscription, Anmakundá (1. 16) or Ammakunde (1.75), was originally the capital of the Kakatiya kings and was situated in the Andhra country. The neighbouring town of Warangal (Orum gallu in Telugu or Êkasilânagara in Sanskrit) became the seat of government about the end of Ganapati's reign and continued as such until the collapse of the Kakatiya family. Anmakonda and Warangal are now stations
Nisam'. Territories, p. 47). The temples near the Rawappå Lake in the Warangal district are (ibid. p. 49) of the same type as the great temple at Hanumkondå, but more profusely sculptured. The principal temple of this group appears to have been built in A.D. 1213-14 by Rudra of Recharla, who was a dependant of the Kakatiya king Ganapati. The village Uparpalle in the Yelgandal district, is also reported to contain some ruined temples attributable to the Kakatiya period (ibid. p. 74). The vimana of the Tripurântakesvara temple at Tripurântakam in the Kurnool district was constructed in A.D. 1254-55 under the orders of the Kakatiya king Ganapati (Epigraphical collection for 1905, No. 169.) The Padmaksht temple at Anmakonda is the earliest known struc. tural monument of the Kakatiys period and this may account for its being plain sud devoid of the display of art which is quite characteristic of the later structures of the dynasty.
1 Jaina remains are mostly to be seen in the western portion of the Nizam's Dominions, which borders on the Bombay Presidency. Anmakonda is almost on the eastern border; see the map accompanying Mr. Cousens' Lists of Antiquarian Remains in H. H. the Nizam's Territories.
2 Annual Report on Epigraphy for 1901-2, paragraph 7. The goddess Padmâksht to whom the temple is dedicated must be one of the twenty-four Sásanadects of the Jaina mythology. Ambs or Ambika, the Sasanadivl of the 22nd Tirthankara Neminátha, is supposed to be a form of Durga. Padmavati was the Sesanadpf of Parsyanitha (Dr. Burgess Archeol. Surv. of Western India, Vol. V. p. 45 f. and p. 46, note 2). It might. therefore, be supposed that the goddess consecrated by Mailama in the basadi at Anmakond was either Ambika or Padmâvati--called, in Kanarese, Kadalalaya, the meaning of which I have not been able to trace.
Above, Vol. III., p. 82, and footnote 4.
• The Gagapéśvaram inscription of the time of Ganapati states (v.9) that Rudra, son of Prðla, destroyed many towns and founded quarters named after these towns in the city of Orumgalla and peopled them with their respective iuhabitants; while in the devastated towns he built celebrated temples of Rudreśvars and settled fresh inhabitants. If there be any truth in this statement, it may be inferred that Waran gal, which was already in existence as an important city (see 1. 93 of the subjoinel inscription also), mas gieatly improved by Rudra. Récharla Radra, a general of Ganpati (see above, p. 256, note 8) is said to have put to flight king Nagati and founded the temple of Rudrésvara at the city of Orugallu (Warangal)-perhaps after his own name. Orumgallu or Orugallu, which wus thus improved by the Kakatiya king Rudrs, appears to have occupied only a subordinate positio. in the tiine of Prola, Radra and Ganpati, while Anmakooda was the capital. No. 273 of the Epigraphical collection for 1903-08 which beloage to the time of Rudra and is dated in Saka-Sarvat 1107, Visvavasu (= A.D. 1185-86) states that the mahamandalesvara Kakatiya Rudradêva-Mahåråja was "the lord of Anumakonda, the best of towns." Nos. 193 and 223 of the same collection belong to Ganapati and are both dated in Saka-Samvat 1174, Paridhkvin (-A.D. 1252-53). The former refers to Gapapati 4 "the lord of Angin ko da, the best of towns." In Saka-Samvat 1175 Ganapati still called himself the load of Auumakonda (Mr. Butterworth's Nellore Inscriptions, O. 28). Bat No. 231 of the Epigraphical collection for 1905, dated in Saka-Samvat 1176, Ananda, distinctly sate that Ganpati was ruling with Orugallu as his capital. Whether his successor Rudrainadevi (or, as she is called in inscriptions, Rudrade va-Mshår&ja) reigned from the newly established capital Warangal or not, it is dificult to say. Her sice 1880r Pratáparudra ralel over almost the whole of the Telu zu country and portions eveu of the Ta nil country from h's throne at Orumgallu. He is generally known 4Ôrunguti Prata paru Ira leva, i.e. Pratå parudradeva of Orumgallu.