No. 31.)
L.-Jaţilavarman Paråkrama-Pandya Arikësaridêva.
(Between the 18th June and the leth July A.D. 1422.) No. 37 (Vol. VII. p. 13).-Year opp. to 31: Thursday, the 19th July A.D. 1453. No. 36 (Vol. VII. p. 12).-Year 2 opp. to 31, Saka 1377: Monday, the 24th March A.D.
1455. No. 38 (Vol. VII. p. 13).-Year 4 opp. to 31 : Wednesday, the 160) March A.D. 1457. No. 39 (Vol. VII. p. 13).-Year 8 opp. to 31, Saka 1381: Wednesday, the 17th June A.D. 1461.
M.-Maravarman Vira-Pandya. (Between the 13th March and the 88th July A.D. 1443). No. 60 (Vol. VIII. p. 282).-Year 11 opp. to 2: Monday, the 28th July A.D. 1455. No. 61 (Vol. VIII. p. 283).-Year 14: Sunday, the 16th January A.D. 1457. No. 62 (Vol. VIII. p. 283).-Year 14: Saturday, the 12th March A.D. 1457.
N.-Jatilavarman Parikrama-Pandya Kulagêkhara. (Between the 15th November A.D. 1479 and the 14th November A.D. 1480.) No. 40 (Vol. VII. p. 14).-Year 20, Saka 1421 : Thursday, the 14th November A.D. 1499.
0.-Mâravarman Sundara-Pandya m. (Between the 2nd June A.D. 1531 and the 1st June A.D. 1582.) No. 42 (Vol. VII. p. 15).-Year 22 opp. to 2, Saka 1477: Saturday, the let Jane A.D. 1555.
P.-Jațilavarman Srivallabha. (Between the 29th Novembor A.D. 1534 and the 38th November A.D. 1535.) No. 41 (Vol. VII. p. 15).-Year 3, Saka 1459: Wednesday, the 28th November A.D. 1537.
Q.-Jatilavarman Srivallabha Ativirarama. (Between the 23rd August A.D. 1582 and the 22nd August A.D. 1689.) No. 43 (Vol. VII. p. 16).-Year 5, Saka 1489: Friday, the 22nd August 1567.
BY PROFESSOR E. HULTZSCH, PH.D.; HALLE (SAALE). When, more than twenty years ago, I started epigraphical work in the Madras Presidency, I prepared with my own hands an inked, estampage of the inscription which is here re-edited. After Mr. Venkayya had joined my office in Bangalore, we spent a considerable time in reading and translating this record - one of the first early Chola documents we tried to make out in a reliable manner. The Tamil text of it as printed in South Indian Inscriptions, Vol. I. p. 98, does not contain any misreadings. But the translation on p. 99 needs revision in the light of the other Chôļa inscriptions which were published later on, and a facsimile of this beautifully
1 Monday is wrongly quoted instead of Thursday.
Saka 1881 is wrongly quoted instead of 1883, and the 23rd solar day wrongly instead of the 21st.
* Only the date in line 12 should be '13' (instead of '12'); the same correction has to be made in the beading of the Plate facing p. 232 below.