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4 परमेश्वरश्रीवत्सराजदेवपा5 दानुध्यातपरमभट्टारकमहारा6 'जाहिराजपरमेश्वरश्रीनाग7 भदेवखविषये प्रवईमान8 राज्ये राज्यघङ्गकङ्गाम 9 राजी जायावली प्रतीहार10 'खगोचत्रीबपुकपुचीज11 नकदुहिता ताकुडवोत्यनावा-' 12 जानकखगोचथीहरगुप्त-' 13 पुच भुवकपनी 'मन च पर14 मेस्वरो निहीं कृत्वा अनेकजन्मा13 'सरस्वसिवर्तसंसारदुखाव16 हरस्य परमेखरस्य पादा 17 पुजयित्वा" देवरह करा18 प्य" [*] पुन "तस्य उपलपन" 19 देवासुतप[१] हरि 20 शुत्रधार: ॥
SAKA SAMVAT 672. By K. B. PATHAK, PROFESSOR OF SANSKRIT, DEOGAN COLLEGE, POONA. This inscription was first brought to my notice in May 1902 by Bhringarkar bava, a wellknown reciter of kirtans at Poona. He was then engaged in a literary controversy about the identity of Jiiandsvara, the well-known saint of Alandi, with Jiianesvara, the author of the Jūå nesvari, a famous Marathi commentary on the Bhagavadgita, and asked me whether the inscription threw any light on the point he was discussing. When I told him that the grant was. issued in Saka62, and had nothing to do with the author of the Jiianesvari, who was contem.. porary with Ramdeva, the last of the Yadava kings of Devagiri, Bbpingårkar bAva was kind onough to lend mo the plates for the purpose of editing the inscription.
I Rend राजाधिरज. Read 'सगीष • Read 'वोत्पन्ना. • Read °सगीच. . Here ayd in the following the rules of sand i have not been observed. • The words परमेपरी and निडाँuthey stand, make nosense, and I can suggest no correction.
Some such reading as afrafalo might be expected. • Read दुःखा. • Read परमेश्वरस्थ. Read पादी.
Read पूजयित्वा. 1 Bend कारयित्वा. "Read पुनस्तस्य. " Rend उपसपने. Thia word seems to have been here used in the sense of "engraving." - Read हरित.
" Resd सूचधार: