No. 3.]
Suslishta-samdhim ruchira[th] supadam sail-êshṭakam cha sthira-simghakarppam || yadvad-Dhimâdris-sikharais-cha tadvat-kritvå 19 nikêtam Vata-vasi-bhânôḥ || [28*] suslishtasamdhi-ghatitôtpala3 cha ||
Loka-prap-há sukritâ cha sôpana-pamktya susubhê(bhâ) subaddha nisrê (érê)ņi-bhât-êva divaukasasya || [29] Dêvaiḥ samastair ri(ri)shibhis-cha jushta pâpåpaha vyâpya jagat-sthita ya jirnuô
20 dhrita Lahini-punyahêtôḥ Sarasvati sêsha-janasya vâpt | [30] Nishpadya sakritau kritvaartham datva? punah-punah | vainasikam=idam ch=ânya[j*=] jõâtvá lokasya charppitaus || [31*] "Yavad-gaur-llok-dh[*]tri pravahati [pa P]rutô10 yavad-arko-ntarikshê || yâvad-vichyas-sa
21 mudrê pavana-vidhunitâḥ samtatáḥ prochchhalanti | yâvad-vyomêls susighram pracha [la ?]ti mihira-syamda (da)nasy-aika-chakram II vâpy-ôkau tâvad=âstâm=13 uḍukara-sadrisau śrêyasê karakasya [32] || 14 Krit-êyam Hari-puttrêņa Matrisarmma-dvijanmanâ || sastir-llôka-hita
22 rthâya Lâhinyâs-chal hit-aishina [33*] 16 Asich-cha Night-sthapatis-tu Durggah || Durggårkkatô Dêuka-suttradharaḥ || asy-âpi sûnuḥ Sivapâla-nâmâ || yên-ôtkrit-êyam17 susubhâ praksti || [34] 18 Navanavatir-ih-âsidVikramaditya-kâlė || jagati
23 dasasatânâm-agratô yattra pûrnna [1] prabhavati Nabha-mâsê sthânake Chittrabhânôḥ || Mrigasirasi sasaṁkė krishna-pakshe navamyam || [35 ||*]
The ancient royal family of the Alupas is one of those whose early history is wrapped in obscurity-carent quia vate sacro' as Horace (Carm. IV. 9) expresses it. All that was until recently known regarding them will be found on page 309 of Dr. Fleet's Dynasties of the Kanarese Districts. A few additional records of them were published by Mr. Rice in his Epigraphia Carnatica. The Alupas or Aluvas are referred to in inscriptions of the two Western Chalukya kings Pulakêéin II.19 and Vinayâditya, of the Rashtrakuta king Govinda III.,90 and of the Kadamba Jayakêsin I., and the poet Bilhana mentions them in connection with his patron Vikramaditya VI. They are thus proved to have existed as a ruling family in the period from the seventh to the eleventh centuries of the Christian era.
As regards the name Alupa, Dr. Bhandarkar suggested that it seems to be preserved in the name of the modern town of Alupai on the Malabar coast.'1 This is very improbable, because Âluvây (Alwye) is situated in Travancore, while the inscriptions of the Âlupas are
1 Ed. omits this verse. Read -simhakarnṇam.
This word simhakarns apparently is a technical term, relating to architecture. Read -ghatitópald; the preceding samdht for the sake of the metre stands for samdhi, Read ddhritd. Metre: Sloka (Anushṭubh).
Observe the hiatus. Metre: Sragdhara.
Read dattvá.
Bead chudrppitau.
11 For the sake of the metre for vidhanitdh.
10 Read purató (?).
12 Wrong for by6mni, which would not have suited the metre..
This datam is wrongly used here for dadtám (from ds) or syátám (from as).
14 Metre: Sloka (Anushṭubh).
15 The name of the queen is written here with (the dental) s.
17 Utkrita wrong for utkired..
last Påda of the verse and has instead of it sa 1699. 20 See below, p. 16 and note 7.
1 Metre: Indravajra.
18 Metre: Malini.- Ed. omits the Bee now above, Vol. VI. p. 10. History of the Dekkan, p. 51, note 3.