No. 25.7
The place Vata, where the feudatory prince Rajjila was reigning, is doubtless Vasantgadh itself. This will be seen from the fact that the temple to Kshêmâryâ, said in the inscription to have been built by the gôshthi of Vata, is no other than the temple of Khimel måtà in Vasantgadh of which the inscription stone originally formed part. This conclusion is confirmed by the fact that the temples dedicated to the Sun and Brahmå mentioned as existing in Vatapura in the inscription of Pärnapala dated V.E. 1099, are still existing at Vasantgadh. A slightly different name for the place, ris. Vatakara, occurs in 1.9. We have a similar instance of a certain old place called both Åråsana and Arâsanakara. The remains at Vasantgadh have been fully described and the question regarding the name Vata and Vatakara is fully discussed in the Progress Report of the Archaeological Survey of India, Western Circle, for the months July 1900 to March 1906, inclusive, pp. 49 ff.
TEXT. 1ों · नमः ॥ धातु- योगनिद्रा [जलन] - 1. [नस्या कतिविश्व
योने: 'कैलासोचांकथिङ्गप्रतिनियतमदावासिनो सता [*] या 2 राचिस्मर्वलोके स्मृतिरपि च सतां या श्रुतिब्रह्मगीता सा देवी दुर्गमेषु
प्रदिशतु जगते मङ्गलानीह दुर्गाः ॥ [१*] नियतमतिप्रणतिप3 रस्याजी यागे क्याफलेष्वसवत् [1"] क्षेमा- क्षेमकरी विदधातु शिवानि
नसततं ॥ [२] जयति जयलक्ष्मलक्षितवक्षस्थलसंश्रितथियाधारः [*] श्री4 वर्मलातनृपति पतिरवनेरधिकबलवीर्यः । [३१] केचित्सन्देशमाचैरतिविशदपद'
मुद्रया पारगं• केचिच्चान्ये प्रकामं प्रतिवचनयुतक[] 5 [यं]जापैरजमं [*] पन्ये वै मण्डलान्ते क्वतबलिकुहकै तिदानेन चान्ये
तेनेत्यं सबरेन्द्रव्रतमनुचरता शासिता भूमिपाला: ॥ [४*] तस्याशेषविशे6 [ष]दोषरहितान्पुष्णाति भक्त्या गुणान (1) नाना ववभटेति भृत्यपदवी
माश्रित्य सत्याश्रयः [*] ख्यातः कीर्तिमतामलघ्यचरित:" "श्रीमातु
रप्यजने* किन 7 [जा]तगुणः प्रभुहिमवतस्मूनोच संरक्षणे" (1) [*] तस्य सूनुरधिकं प्रियx
प्रिय प्रथयादिसकलैर्महागुणे० [1] राजिलीभवदशेषराजकव्याप्तकी
1 In L 9 of the Vasantgadh inscription of Parnapála, Vata is also spoken of as the name of a country. In verse 17 of the mata-kt-sdl inscription found at Ghatiyálå (Jour. R. 43. 800. 1895, p. 518), the expression Vada. ndaava-mandala occurs. This is doubtless identical with Vata-Nayaka-mandala. Here the country or district is not called simply after Vata (Vasantgadh) but also after Nanaka which evidently is the present Nini, about thirteen miles north-east of it. ? From the original stone.
* Expressed by a symbol. • Read कैखासीचाशन.
Read grat; metre: Sragdhara. Read क्रिया
IMetre : Aryal; and also of the verse following. . Wrong tor नयाधार' which would not have suited the metre.. • Read °पदांद्रया.
10 Read गया. 11 Metre : Sragdhara.
1 Read 'मलङध्य. 1. The letter is not in the same line with and w, but is engraved exactly below betwen these two letters, and two vertical strokes are added one above and one below between them to draw attentiou to the omission 14 Read, probably instead of .
15 Metre : Sardúlavikridita. 10 Read 'गुष..