Mahi-Sadeva's Raipur plates. Like this latter inscription and the Arang copper plates of Maha-Jayaraja, our inscription was issued from Sarabhapura, and it states that the illustrious Mahd-Sudevaraja, whose two feet are washed by the water which is the flowing forth of the lustre of the crest jewele in the tiaras of the simantas who have been subjugated by his prowess; who is the cause for the removal of the parting of the hair of the women of his enemies; who is the giver of riches, of land, and of cows; who is a devout worshipper of Bhagavat; who meditates on the feet of his mother and father, issues the following order to the householders living in Navannaks and the neighbouring Sambilaka, in the Kshitimanda Ahara: Be it known to you that these two villages, which assure the happiness of the abode of the king of gods, have been bestowed by a copper charter on the Vajisanêyin Vishņusvamin, of the Kausiks gôtra, for as long a time as the world endares, having the terrible darkness dispelled by the rays of sun, moon, and the stars; together with their treasures and deposits, not to be entered by district officers and soldiers, free from all taxes; for the purpose of increas. ing the spiritual merit of our parents and ourselves.
The date of our inscription cannot as yet be settled. Maha-Sudēva is the same who has isened the grant pablished by Rajendralála Mitrat and Dr. Fleet. According to the legend of the seal he was the son of a certain Månamátra, who in his turn had risen from the Prasann-drpara, i. e, who was descended from Prasanna, probably his son.
Neither MAnamatra nor Prasanna are elsewhere known. Manamgtra can perhaps he identified with Menanka, "the ornament of the Rashtrakūtas," who is mentioned in the copper plates of Abhimanyu of Manapura edited by Professor Hultzsch. This Mananka had a son, Devaraja, who might be identical with Sudovaraja. In support of this hypothesis it may bo mentioned that matra and arka are both stated by lexicographers to mean omamont. On the other hand, the alphabets of the two inscriptions differ, and this, in addition to the difference in the names, makes the identification very doubtfal.
of the geographical names oocurring in the inscription Sarabhapura also recurs in the two other grants by Maha-Suddva and in the Arang plates of Mahá-Jayaraja. Navannaks may be the present Nahna, the Naind of the maps, three miles south of Khariär. We do not know anything about the location of the remaining geographical names of our inscription, Kshitimanda and Sambilaks. They should be looked for in the neighbourhood of Khariar.
First Plate. 1 Svasti [1] Sarabhapurad-vikkram-panata-såmanta-makata-chudimaņi. 2 prabhâ-prasêk-Amba-dhðtal-pada-yagald ripa-vilásinf-simant-addharana3 hétur-vasu-vasadhd-gd-pradab-paranabhagavató mátd-pitrio-påd-Snuddhys4 tas-sri-Mahl-Sudeva-rajah Kshitimand-thariya-Navannaka-êtat-právesya5 Sambilakayôh-prativasi-kuțumbinas-samajñkpayati || Viditame astu
Gupta Inscriptions, pp. 196 and 1.
Ibid. pp. 191 and ft. For the meaning of cháța compare Dr. Vogel in Archological Survey of India, Annual Report, 190303, p. 247.
J. Bong. 4. 8., Vol. xxxv, Parti, 1867, pp. 196 and A. Gupta Inscriptions, pp. 196 and 1. Above, Vol. vii, p. 168; Compare Fleet, Ind. Ant., Vol. II, p. 309.
The Commissioner of Ralpur now informe me that the plates were actually found in Nabol, and that the Incal authorities are inclined to identify Sambilaka with the premut San Doil or Sandobal, village adjoining Nahdl. Prom the original plato.
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