No. 20.)
(headed by the minister Bhoga (?) are present on duty, this document of the village, making Jaipard Vanikotta the limit, is given to Gaita: Lakshmidhara. First' (the revenue was payable) at 130 (in former coins, now) 140 coins of (our) victorious reign (mint) for half the Halba patti (share). Similarly in the document of Chikhall village, 150 coins of (our) victorious reign (mint) for the Pralavi (Halba) patti (share). The witnesses for this purpose (are) Bhaffarúnaka Govinda, Gaita Lakshmidhara, Gaitut Maheśvara, Niyakıt Chbantu, Ndyala Damodara, Súo Pålata. Samvat 935, Bhadrapada (month), in the Mriga lunar mansion (riksha), on Monday, the 1[0]th of the dark fortnight. Written by Pandit Vishnusarman and engraved by Sethi Keśava in the Padi town. Let good fortune attend.
Plate II.
TEXT. 1 Om Svasti Padi-samåvåse samasta-raj-avali-maņalam krita-sômavam (sânvaya.7
prasa]ta-maba2 maņ[4* Jalika-frimad-Vôpadeva-påd-anudhyâta-parama-bhattåraka-mahama []alik a 8.
This is another ambiguous phrase capable of various interpretations. It is possible that the execators meant to convey that the boundaries of Jaipura Vapikotta were duly marked out on the spot before the document was kiven to Laksbmidbars. Vapikotta is another troublesome word. It may have been the name of a village in the vicinity of Jaipard and may have been used as an adjuoct to distinguish it from other villages of the same name. Similarly people talk of Déori NAharmaa, meaning that D&ori which is near the village Nahrrmaa, to distinguish it from another Déori. There is a village in Keuker called Pharaskot, which is probably a corruption of Parafukota, and on this analogy, it may fairly be asserted that there is nothing extraordinary in the name Vanilotta M denoting & village. It is, however, equally probable that it was no village, and that Jaipar had this adjunct because there existed in that village a panik-kota, or "tra ters' fortress," that is, a fortified place probably made by Banjarss for storing grain purchased for transport. In olden times the Banjaràs are known to have carried even gans for protecting themselves froin plonder. Jaipari may have been one of their central depôts, which they fortified, and the village therefore came to be called Jaipars Vaqi[ko]-kotta. It is not necessary that the Banjarku slone should have done this. There may have been other traders who might have built a fortified place, but as this part of the country has been and is a favourite resort of these wandering traders, it is more likely that they should have built mch a depot. Numerous examples of such adjancts may be eited. Thus, there is a village Bard in the Bangor district. It has got Hindů tombe called Surai and hence people call it Bars Surigaon. In fact the adjunct has gained such prominence that the real name Bard is almost elbowed out, and only Suraigaon is regularly ured. Similarly, Hirdenagar-Garhákata, well known w Garhakota, derives its name from the construction of a fort and rarupart, the original principal village being Hirdenagar, which a Bundela chief Hirds-Shah founded in his own name.
The village priest is still called Gaitd in Kanker and Bastar Statou.
+ Lines 4 and 5 are so obecure as to make their translation extremely doubtful. There can be little doubt, however, that they relate to the fixation of revenge of the villages mentioned, in the coins of the reigning prince. Whether the old revenue in respect to the village to which the transaction refers, was 180 fantas, and on revision on the prevent occasion, we enhanced to 140 tankas, or the old 180 taikas were equal to 140 new coins is not clear. While executing the present document opportunity was taken to revise the revenne of another village, Chikball, for which another grdmapatra or document existed, and the revenue was fixed at 150 new taskas. It appears that the Chikball document was not near at hand, and that seems to be the reason why blank space enough to fill up 8 Agures ww left ont between the words Chikhall-grdma patri and Vijaya-rajyaranka to be filled up afterwards. Bnt once omitted nobody cartd to 611 it in, the matter not being of great importance, the old rental WW perseded by the revised amount which was thenceforth payable to the state. The fact that this records paliinpoest seems to show that the fresh tranmotion was a matter on revision under the new régime of Paraparijaders, and apparently the old record, which had become anless, we beaten out and the new one was inscribed instead. The words sardha goja bháma dohas appear to be some local technical term, which was used in fiecal matters and we well understood at the time, but so far u my enquiry from local sources goes, it has not survived and it is not now used in State transactions. The matter, however, is not of great importance and does not affect the historical information Interable from the rooord.
• Paffle are plots of land in a village and the Halvor Balbl patti ww apparently one caltivated by the Halbis, an Aboriginal tribe chiefly found in Kanker (see above poto , page 124).
Expressed by a symbol. Rond mawy-alamkrita Bend -camsdnvaya.. . Read-mahdmandalika.