No. 19.)
Påndava Arjuna. The genealogy begins with Kakati Pratáparudra, who was king of Warangal. His brother Annamrája was the first to come to Bastar, and the genealogy is continued to Dikpåladeva, nine successors being mentioned. The present Bastar family is the representative of the old Warangal family, who, having been defeated by Muselmans, fled to Bastar. Combining the information hitherto available, the following list of Kakatiya kinge may be made up. 1-Predecessors of Annamdéva, from Professor Kielhorn's Southern List, above,
Vol. VIII, Appendix, p. 18. 1 Durjaya. 2 Beta (Betmaraja) Tribhuvanamalla, son of 1. 3 Prola (Próldraja, Prodarája) Jagatikësarin, son of 2; made the Western Chalukya Tailapa
dova prisoner ; defeated Govindaraja and Ganda of Mantrakata; conquered but
reinstated Chôdodaya; pat to flight Jagaddova. 4 The Mahamandalesvara Rodraddva, son of 3; subdued Domma; oonquered Mailigidêve ;
burnt the city of Chodôdaya. A.D. 1163-(and 1186). 5 Mahådôva (Madhava), brother of 4. 6 Ganapati (Ganapa) Chhalamattiganda, son of 5; defeated the Devagiri Yadava Singhaņa,
the kings of Chôla, eto. A. D. [1199-1200 to 1260-61). 7 the Mahúmandalachakravartin Prat¶dra of Ekasilânagari, i.e. Warangal. His general
Muppidi entered Kanohi and installed Månavîra as governor. A.D. 1316.
8.-Suocessors of Annamdôva down to Dikpåladeva according to the Danteward
inscriptions. 1 Annamråja, brother of Pratáparadra. 2 Håmiradêva. 3 Bhairava (Bhai Raj) dåva. + Parushottamadêva. 5 Jayasimhadêve. 6 Narasimhadáva; his queen Lachhami-dei dag many tanks and planted gardens. 7 Jagadilaráyadêve. 8 Viranarayanadêva. 9 Virasimhadeva, married Vadanakumari, a Chandella princess. 10 Dikpåladava, married Ajabakumari, of the Chandellas, visited the Dantdavari temple in
Samvat 1760, A.D. 1703.
son Prataparudrs. It is possible that Prataparadra's father may have belonged to the lunar race, and, while Pratáparudra became by adoption a Kakatiys of the solar race, his brother Annamdēva, the founder of the Bastar family, must have remained what his father ww, that is, of the lanar race. Strictly speaking Pratá paradrs himself does not seem to have a very strug claim to be solar Kakatiye. He was adopted by his grandmother, whereby be became a member of her her husband's) race, but it can be urged in his favour that be succeeded to the Kakatiya throne, and that adoption of females was valid in ancient times (see Dattakamimdnud VII $ 80-88 s. quoted by Mayne, Hindu Law and Urage, sixth edition, p. 180), whereby Ganapati's daughter, whom her father had called his 'son' and had given a male name of 'Rudra' (on which account she was called Rudrambe; e Ind. Ant. XXI. p. 199) became incorporated with her parental race of solar Kakatiya. The commentator of the Pratápar driya, who was no lom a personage than the great MallinAtha's son, explains the word thas :-Kakatir odma Durga Saktir Blafildnagar-divardydr kuladioatd od Saktir bhajanly-day-dli Kdkatlyel. It is in this Med slone that the Bastar family could be classed a Kikatiys. This would not affect their true lineage, pis, the lunar moe. All this however would apply if Anosmdēvs was, brother of the Pratáparudrs of our list L. But list II with 10 kings for a period of about 400 years postulates the existence of another Pratáparudra, who probably ruled
bundred years later and lost his kingdom and his life in the battle with Ahmad Shah Bahmani' in 1484 A.D. This Pratáparadn wu sloo probably ongrafted from another family like his predecessor, in all likelihood from the Junarmee to which his brother Aunamders as matter of natural counseuntiuual to belong.