No. 18.]
2. This inscription is at Nadol. It contains 13 lines of writing and commences :
L. 1 Om samvat 1147 Vaisakha-šudi 2 Vu(bu)dha-vâsa
rê maharêjadhiraja-fri-Jôjaladevah sams
sta-dêvânâm śri-Lakshmanasvåmi-prabhṛitînâm yåtrå-vya
4 vaharam lêkhayati yatha II.
The date of these two inscriptions regularly corresponds, for the expired Kárttikádi Vikrama year 1147, to Wednesday, the 23rd April A.D. 1091, when the 2nd tithi of the bright half ended 16 h. 26 m. after mean sunrise.
3.- This also is at Nadol. It contains 39 lines of writing and commences:
L. 1 Om samvat 1198 Sravana-vadi 8 Ravav-ady-bha [ma]
2 hârâjâ[dhiraja]-érî-Rayapaladevaḥ kalyana-vija [ya]
3 rajyê êvaṁ kâlê pravarttamâne
The date corresponds either, for the purnimanta Śrâvana of the expired Chaitrádi Vikrama year 1198, to Sunday, the 29th June A.D. 1141, when the 8th tithi of the dark half ended 3 h. 11 m. after mean sunrise; or, for the amânta Śrâvapa of the expired Kárttikádi Vikrama year 1198, to Sunday, the 16th August A.D. 1142, when the 8th tithi of the dark half ended 11 h. 20 m. after mean sunrise. As the date of the following inscription is correct only for the amânta month, I here, too, take Sunday, the 16th August A.D. 1142, to be the true equivalent of the date.
4.-This also is at Nadol. It contains 8 lines of writing and commences:
L. 1 Om1 || Samvat 1200 Bhadrapada-vadi 8 Budha-varê ady-êha śrî
2 Na[ḍû ?]lé samastaraja valisa malamkrita-pajya-maharajâdhi
3 raja-paramêévara-sri-Rayapaladêva-vijayarajyê 8
4 vam kalê pravarttamâne.
The date, for the amânta Bhadrapada of the expired Kárttikádi Vikrama year 1200, corresponds to Wednesday, the 23rd August A.D. 1144, when the 8th tithi of the dark half ended 16 h. 52 m. after mean sunrise.
In the Table Rayapala (A.D. 1142 and 1144) would have to be placed between Jôjalla (A.D. 1091) and Alhaṇa (A.D. 1153-1161), and it is probable that he was the immediate predecessor of the latter; but how he was related to either of them it is impossible to say at present.
I may add that Mr. Ojha has also been good enough to send me some notes on the identification of Kasabrada and Naddûlâi, spoken of by me above, pp. 73 and 67. On the former, which I suspected to be somewhere near Nadol, he writes :
"I would identify Kasahrada with Kayadram (also called Kâsadrâm) at the foot of Mount Abû, about 3 miles from the Bhimânâ station of the R. M. Railway. It is a place of considerable antiquity with several old temples. An inscription of the time of the Paramâra prince Dharâvarsha was discovered there by me some years ago."
And respecting Naddulai, which I had taken to be a different place from Naddila, he Bays:
"As you think, it is quite different from Naddûla. It is now called Naralal, and is situated in the Godwâr district of the Jodhpur State. An inscription from the place is published in Bhavnagar Inser. p. 140 (where the date given is incorrect3). "
1 Denoted by a symbol.
Read déva-kalydna..
See my Northern List, No. 306.- On the map of the Rajputána Agency Narlai' is seven miles south-eath of 'Nádol.'