Nadha's son was Laliga ; his son was the minister Mahiduka ;' and he again had two sons, Hêma and Dasaratha. And the object of the inscription is, to record that Dasaratha at the temple of Rishabha set up an image of Némijinêsa (Némitirthakara, i.e. Néminatha), which was installed on Friday, the first tithi of Jyêshtha of the Vikrama year 1201, corresponding to Friday, the 5th May A.D. 1144. I may add that the genealogy here given is for the greater part corroborated by another inscription at Vimala's temple, No. 1768 of Mr. Cousons' List, the full text of which is :
L. 1 'Sri-Srimalakalodbhava / Viramabamaihtri putra-[sa]nmantri-sri
2 Nedha-putra-Laliga-tatsuta-Mabimduka--sutên-êdar | Nijapu3 trakalatra-samanviténa * sanmantri-Dasarathon-edar eri-Nêmi
4 natha-[b]im vam | mokshårtham kåritam ramyam || For us the main point of interest is the date which the first of the two inscriptions furnishes for Dagaratha ; for that date, being of the Vikrama year 1201, shows that Vimala, the younger brother of Dasaratha's great-grandfather Nêdha, may well have lived in the Vikrama year 1088, the traditional date for the foundation of his temple.
The contents of the second part of our insoription (verses 14-23) I have already given above, p. 81 f. This rájávali in verse 14 commences with Åsardja, who belonged to the Chahuvima (Châhuváọa, Chhamâna) family and was king of the town of Nadúla (Naddûla). After him came Samarasimha; and his son was Mahanasimhabhata (v. 15). Then came Pratápamalla ; and to him was born Vijada, the lord of the Marusthall mandala (v. 16). He had three sons, the first of whom was the king Luniga (v. 17). Verse 18 then eulogizes Lundha 'who like a god of death devoured the host of adversaries ;' and verse 19 Lumbha, of whom verse 20 records that he conquered the mountain Arbuda, and that, after having ruled the earth, he became the lord of heaven (i.e. died). Verse 21 then eulogizes Têjasimha, the son of Lūņiga ; verse 22 wishes long life to Tihuņåka ; and the mutilated verse 23 appears to say that Lumbhaka together with Têjasimha and Tihuņa (órimal-Irambhaka-ndmå samanvitas Tejasin ha-Tihundbhyam) in right manner carried on the government of the mountain Arbuda.
Regarding the first part of this rájávali, as far as Vijada, there can be no doubt, and I have nothing to add to what I have previously said about it. A difficulty arises concerning the sons of Vijada. According to the inscription of Lantigadêve, above, p. 80, Vijada, who is also called Daśasyandana (Dasaratha), had four sons -Lavaạyakarņa, Landha (Lantiga), Lakshmaņa, and Lûnavarman, of whom Lávaạyakarna is distinctly called the eldest (jyêshtha). According to the present inscription Vijada had three sons the first (adya) of whom was Luniga. After Lüộiga the inscription mentions Lundha and Lumbha, without saying that they were his younger brothers or in any way specifying their relationship. In my account of Lantigadêva's inscription I have identified Luniga with Lávanyakarga, and have taken Laņdha and Lambha to be the names of his brothers, identifying Landha with Landha (Lantiga) and Lambha with Lügavarman. Other inscriptions are sure to be discovered which will show whether I am right or wrong. In the meantime I feel bound to state that my friend Mr. Ojha, than whom nobody is better acquainted with the history of his country, takes the three names Lüniga, Lundha and Lumbha (Lumbhaka) to denote one and the same person, and to be all Sanskritized forms of Lumbha, denoting a chief'commonly called Tra QHT,
1 The metre shows that the name is correct here. 7 The inscription is on the seat of an image in cell No. 10 in the corridor. • Metre of the two verses : Arya. • These signs of punctuation are superfluous.
The metre requires us to read Mahiduka.. . Read Dindaro.