[Vol. IX.
The hra, from thra, arose (with other forms) on Iranian soil, Mihra (Skt. Mihira) being a variant of Mithra, of which a still more simplified form is found in Miraboyana of the Takht-i-Bahi inscription (see M. Boyer's article in the Journal Asiatique, Sér. X. Vol. IIL (1904) pp. 463-4): the old Persian dialect had also e, concerning which it may be sufficient to refer to the grammars.
2. Mevaki is no doubt a variant of the Scythian name Mauakes Mevanns, which we find attached to the king Maues and Möga (=Mauaka).
3. The two names Kalúi, Kámúió show a Pahlavi suffix úi, in the second case with addition of an Indian termination.
4. Naüludo is no doubt for Naürúdó, New Growth,' with a Pahlavi or Afghan 1 for r. 5. The element Khala- appears in Khalama and Khalasamuso. 6. The termination -as in Komisi and samaso seems to be Scythic.
7. The element -si in Ayasi Kômúsi, Nandasikasa, Pispasi is certainly not the Sanskrit fri, which would have been so written in these inscriptions. It is a derivative element, perhaps identical with the -oi, -si (Pahlavi -cik) which appears in many Iranian names.
8. The y in Ayasi, Hayuarana, Ayimisa, found also on the coins as an alternative for in Ayitisa, etc. (seo Gardner, op. cit. pp. 93, 173), most probably represents a sound resembling the French j, for which reasons it must also remain undetermined whether the ayaria (=dchárya) and puya (=půjá) of our inscriptions were intended or not to represent a pronunciation with a y.
9. The name Abahola doubtless consists of two members, Abú (of uncertain meaning) to be traced in A Bovdirns (see Jasti's Iranisches Namenbuch, 8. v.) + hóla, a variant of the hora in Spålahôra and the hôrakâ of our inscriptions. That spala is a Pahlavi form of 0. Pers. spada = Zend spåda = Neo-Pers. sipah is plain from its occurrence in Spalapati, which corresponds to the Persian Ispahbad, Pahlavi Spáhpat (see Justi, op. cit. and Horn, Neupersische Etymologie, No. 699). As the Zend-Persian ahura is used in the sense of prince' and as the form hóra is to be traced in the common (Sassanian) name Hormisdas, there can be no reason to doubt that this is the meaning of the second part of the name of Abühóla and that her hôrakáparivára was a 'retinue of princesses (or ladies).'
10. As regards the term Kusulaa (=Kusúlaka of the Taxila Plato), it seems to me extremely unlikely that the word is unrelated to the Kuyula, Kujala, Kocovia applied to Kadphises and Kanishka, more especially now that the Sårnáth inscriptions have bronght Kanishka into relation with the northern Satraps. The word seems to me to have been probably a title of the order of Şahib, Bahadur, and the like.
It will now be sufficient to enumerate the persons occurring in the inscriptions. These are :
(1) The family of Râjâla :
(a) Rájúla himself with his sons Kharaðsta (Yuvardja, son of the Chief Queen Abůhôle), Sudása (entitled Satrap), Khalama (entitled Kumara'), and Maja (entitled Kanishtha).- the two last also being possibly children of the Chief Queen Abühóla- and his daughter Hana.
(2) Five other, probably princely, persons : Kalui, Naülûdo, Kamûio, Âyimisa Khalasamušo. These were perhaps relatives of Rajula.
(3) Friendly satraps, namely Kusulaa Padika, Mevaki Miyika, K(r)ônina, Kherdaa. Tachhila (Rachhila).
(4) A Buddhist ácharya, named Buddhila (Budhila), and a second (perhaps identiel with the former), named Buddhadeva.
*Cf. Hüsingin Kuhne Zeitschrift, Vol. XXXI. 14 . uroy, Vol. XXXVI. p. 483 ff.
On this and other similar titles ser M. !. 'surticle in the Journalistique, Ser. IX. Vol. XIX. p. 95 T. . The name of a satrap Merals ia t c Prof.
2 on 1 cir . 2.4. S. 1894, p 638).