No. 17.]
Third Plate; First Side. 28 नुरागाय ॥ [*] यस्मिन् सासति नृपती परिपक्वानकसस्यसं29 पच्छालिः । सततपयोधेनुरभिगिणरीतिरपग्निरस्तचोरी 30 देशः ॥ [*] स सकलरिपुनृपतिमकुटतटघटितमणिगण81 मधुकरनिकरपरिचुंबितचरणसरसिरुहयुग82 लोयुग ] लोचनपदकमलविलसरिफायमानी मा. 33 नोवतोहतः समस्तलोक: समस्तभुवनाश्रयश्रीविज84 यादित्यमहाराजाधिराजप[र*]मेश्वरः परमभट्टारकः परमब्र35 मण्यः मातापिटपादानुध्यात: पावुनवारविषये प्रान्दो36 [हादशग्रामनिवासिनो राष्ट्रकूटप्रमुखान्कटंबिनस्समाइ
Third Plate; Second Side. . . . .
37 येथमाज्ञापयति ॥
BY F. W. THOMAS, M.A. ; LONDON. The Mathuri lion-capital was discovered by the late Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji under circumstances detailed in his article on The Northern Kshatrapas edited and published by Professor E. J. Rapson in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, N. S., Vol. XXVI. 1894, pp. 541-554 ; see in particular pp. 542-4. It was found embedded in the steps of an altar devoted to Sitalà on & site belonging to some low-caste Hindus at Mathura, but not more definitely located. Having been with difficulty secured by Dr. Bhagvanlal, the capital was conveyed to Bombay ; subsequently, on his death, it was despatched to England, and it can now be seen in the Buddhist Room at the British Museum.
The ingoriptions incised on the capital were transcribed and translated by the discoverer himself; but owing to his death the task of publishing the MS. was entrusted by the Council of the Royal Asiatic Society to the late Professor Bühler, who was able to compare the read. ings with the stone itself and with paper impressions presented to him in 1889 by Dr. James Burgess. At the commencement of the published account, which appeared in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, N. S., Vol. XXVI. 1894, pp. 525-540, Prof. Bühler observes that " the collation has made necessary some alterations in the transcript and in the translation, among which the more important ones have been pointed out in the notes. But I may confidently assert that all really essential points have been fully settled and explained by Dr. Bhagvanlal, whose great acumen and scholarship are as conspicuous in his interpretation of these inscriptions as in his other epigraphio publications. For convenience's sake I have prefixed an introduction, summarising the chief results deducible from the inscriptions."
1 Radचिन्तामति
The amusvara stands at the beginning of the next lino. • Rond 'बारीदि.
• Read °माणी. The la grant (1.29 f.) applies the correct reading mat turenet.