14 संग्रामांगरसादिवर्गपुरतः ख्यातमभावो 'महाग्जागर्त्यनुनविकमी "इतिधरः
श्रीवा16 सुदैवो भुवि ॥६॥ देवधीशसिभूषण जतिना देवालयं कारितं शुम्म
मंडपशोभितं च 18 पुरतोभद्रं प्रतोखा सह । क्षेत्रंशस्य तथा पुरालपपरं स्थीतं [*].
डागं तथा बंधं कौडिकसंजकं 17 बहुजलं दीर्घ तथा खानितं ॥७॥ 'इष्टापूर्तपरस्याशीत्मत्वीत्तिशसि
चंद्रिका [*] वासुदे18 वस्य विस्फारा खिताचन्द्रार्कतारकं ॥८॥ संवत् १२४२ रौद्रसंवत्सर ।
ज्येष्ट' वदि । 19 पंचम्यां । "प्रसस्तिस्ममारोपिता नायकवासुदेवेन ॥ लिखिता सक्तिकुमा
रेण ॥ शिवं [*]
TRANSLATION. Ot. Success! (Verse 1.) In the race of the Moon there was (born) Simbaraj, a (very) lion to enemies, (and) praised as possessing numerous virtues. From him was born king Vydghra, of unequalled fame, who ontshone the sun by his splendour. He also begot an ornament of kings befitting his own manliness: Vôpadeva; and the latter, likewise, (had a son) named Kri[shņa), who was given to destroying crowds of hostile kings, (and) who dominated the universe by (his) valour.
(V.2.) (Then) there was in Kakaira the illustrious Jaitars.ja, the lustre of the nails of whose lotus-feet was rendered (still more) brilliant by the light emanating from the shining diamonds in the diadems on the heads of kings (prostrating themselves before him) to the ground, (and) who had the merit of conquering heroes on the battle-field. From him who owned the glory of wonderful great valour (was born) the illustrious king 88machandra.
(V. 3.) From him, the glorious ocean of virtues, (was born) a young king : the illustrious Bhann, who was brilliant by (his) whole body and apparel, who acquired honour and prosperity, the destroyer of the party of opponents, a crest-jewel of kings. (He) is (now) protecting the earth. While he is ruling, the people are (all) virtuous (and) well-intentioned.
(V.4.) The country is replete with permanent wealth and virtue and is devoid of (all) calamities; the twice-born are devoted to good actions; the subjects are intent on performing sacrifices and doing charitable acts. What more? The citizens are very virtuous (and) refined, (and) their minds are purified by the study of the Sastras. What wonder does not (happen) in (this) iron age, while king Bhanudeva, the incarnation of virtue, is ruling the kingdom?
(V.5.) In a family which abounded in men subsisting on catching P) groups of elephants there was the Nayaka Pa[lû), of brilliant fame, & leader of men, the son of the illustrious Dimðdars. His famous, straightforward son was called Bhima. His son was the illustrious Vaandeva, (who resided) in Kakaira, the town of king Bhanudeva.
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