No. 14.]
44 | vishthayach sa krimir-bh utvå pitfibhiḥ saha majjati (11) Shashtich varsha
sahasrani svargé tishțhati bh imidah 45 Achchhotta ch=Anumatta (nta) cha tany=&va narake vaadt (ID) Sarvvån-êva
bhậvind bh Amipálån=bh Qyo bhd46 y yachats Ramabhadraḥ såmânyo sya dharmma-sbtar=nrip&pam kala kale
PÅlanfyd 47 bhavadbhih || Iti kamaladalamva(bu)vindu-lolan Sriyam=anuchintya manushya
jivita cha saka48 lam-idam adauritath cha vudhyana hi parashaih para-kirttayo vilopya iti
116 Samvat 49 1817 Jyeshtha-sudi 11 Gurav-ady=ha &ri-Mamapadurgê maharajadhiraja
Srimaj-Jayavarmme50 devo-niruk sånadhivirga(gra)hika-paco Sri-Maladhara-sammatena 15
Pan ditendra-Gavišasya sûDuna vidush spu(phn)tam 51 Harshadôv-abhidhen-edam lekhitam rája-sanam (II) YOO vêtty=ap&ram
smristisketra-gårat Goseka-namnb vaba)dha-pamgava52 syal bisbyaḥ sudhiḥ såvdi(bdi)ka Amad&vo bhapasya lekhyarh samasddhi
tena (II) Utkirņpam-idam ra(ra)pakara-Kinhadena 53 Dato mah&pradhâna-raja-ért-Ajayadôvab (11)
108va-hasto=yam maharajasya ||
BY HIBA LAL, B.A.; NAGPUR. This insoription or prasasti, as it is called in line 19, is lying in the veranda of the school house at Kanker, the capital of the Feudatory State of that name in the Central Provinces, and was brought away from the ruins between the Diwan and Sitali tanks in that town. It was first brought to my notice by Mr. Baijnath, B.A., Superintendent of the Bastar State, who kindly furnished me with an inked estampage, and further estampages were supplied to me by the Diwan of the Kanker State and the Agency Inspector of Schools, Chhattisgarh Fendatories.
The stone is a cubit square and half a oubit thick, and the writing covers a space of 18" by 17" in 19 lines. The letters are bold and well formed, the average size being *". The characters are Devanagari, and the language is Sanskrit. The whole of the inscription is written in verge, except the commencement (or siddhil) in line 1, and the concluding portion (11. 18 and 19) containing the date and the names of the ereotor and the writer of the inscription. There are altogether eight verges, of which six are in the Sardûlavikridita metre, and the first and the last in Sragdhard and Anushtubh respectively. The principal orthographical peculiarities are the indifferent use of 6 for 8 and vice versd (L. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 19) and the ne of b for • (11. 2, 12, 14). Some of the letters with a superscribed rêpha have been doubled (especially m and t), others not. The sign of avagraha has not been used at all. Final forms of + occur in 11. 12 and 18.
1 Metre: salint. · Metre : Pushpitágri.
* Read buddhod. ...pandita.
This sign of punctuation is superfluous. Metre: sloks (Anushțubh). 7 Bend likehitau. * Originally - daanan was engraved.
Metre: Indravajri. 10 These words are engraved in small letters under the Agare of Garuda which is on the proper right of the plate between lines 42 and 50.