73, the strange rovenue term shumhalatama [ka]-samanvita, which I have not met with olsewhere and am uuable to explain.
The inscription records a grant of land by the Para måra (or Pramára) king - Maharaja, as he is styled in line 80-Dévapåla of Mâlava. A full translation of the introductory verses will be givon below. As has beon already stated, up to the end of verse 19 (in line 15) the text is identical with the introductory part of the three published grants of the Paramara Arjunavarman, und so far contains little more than a list of kings who were ruling over Målava : Bhojadeva, Udayaditya, his son Naravarman, his son Yasovarman, his son Ajayavarman, his sou Vindhyavarman, his son Subhatavarman, and his son Arjuna (Arjunavarman). Vindhyavarman and Subhatavarman were at war with the Gurjaras, and the first of them recovered Dbárå, which must have been taken possession of by the enemy. Arjuna in his youth put to flight Jayasinha, of whom it is elsewhere said that he was a king of Görjara and belonged to the Chaulukya family of Anahilapataka). To the nineteen verses of Arjunavarman's grants only three new versos (vv. 20-22) are added here, which tell us that on Arjuna's death he was succeeded in the government of Malava by Dêvapála and record the name of this king's father. When I published the Harsaudá inscription of Dévapala, I had to point out that by certain epithets in that inscription Dévapala was clearly connected with the Mahakumaras Lakshmivarmadêva, his son Harischandradêra, and his son Udayavarmadáva of Dhårå. Verse 21 of our inscription now informs as that Dévapála actually was a son of Harischandra (and therefore a brother of the Jah ikunara Udayavarman, whose plates are dated in A.D. 1200). In the larsandå inscription, which is dated in A.D. 1218, only three years after the date of the latest known grant of Arjunavarman, Dévapala, unlike his brother and his father and grandfather, is styled Vahirijidhirija. This, together with the fact that be succeeded Arjunavarman, would indicate that in him the two branches of the Paramira family which till then had separately held sway over Mâlava became reunited, or that one of them ceased to exist. Besides the Harsauda stone and the present plates, the date of which will be considered below, we know of two inscriptions of Dévapala's reign, dated in about A.D. 1229 and probably 1232.5
In lines 17 ff. Dévapåla informs all king's officers, Brahmans and others, and the Paffakila and other people dwelling at the village of Satâjund in the Mahuada pratijagaranaka, that, while staying at Mahishmati, on the occasion of an eclipse of the moon on the full-moon tithi in the month Bhådrapada in the year 1282 (given in worde), after bathing in the Réva (i.e. Narmada) and worshipping Siva (at the temple) in the neighbourhood of the temple of Vishộa) Daityasüdana, he granted the village of Satajuna, (as stated in lines 72 and 73) well defined as to its four boundaries (kaskața), etc., to certain Brahmaps enumerated in lines 22-71; and (in lino 74) he orders the resident Paftakila and others to give to these Brahmans the customary share of the produce and money-rent, etc., excepting what was already enjoyed
1 The context would indicate that Dhårå had been taken by the Gurjaras.
Ser bow above, Vol. VIII. p. 99; compare also below, p. 118, note 2.-In Mèratunga's Prabandhachintamani, p. 249 f., we are told that the Malava king Sóhada (1... Subhatavarman), when about to invade the Garjan country, turned back from its frontier on hearing the verse : Praldpd rdjamdrtando pervasydmuda rajata i Na toa silayan yati pafchimdidpalambinah; but that afterwards the Garjans country was broken' by his son Arjunadeva. + See Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 311.
• See ibid. Vol. XIX. p. 848. Nos. 207 and 214 of my Northern List.
• The text has soma-parodani instead of the fuller and ordinary sd magrahara-parani; similarly adryaparvani is used instead of dryagrahana-parvani, e.g. in the dates of No. 356 of my Northern List and of Nou. 889 and 880 of my Southern List.- I may add that, excepting the Mandhata plates of Jayasimba, published above, Vol. III. p. 48, the word parvani occurs in the dntes of all fully preserved Param&ra plates that have been hitherto published. We have pavitraka-parovani in No. 46 of my Northern List, ad magrahana parapari in Nos 49 and 121, udagayana-parovani in No. 67, samodta-oirya parvani in No. 172, Mahd-Vaildk hyds parovani in No. 189 abhisheka-parvani in No. 195, tryagrahana-parvani in No. 197, and chandréparagu-parvogi in No. 198.