Page 4, para. 1, line 7,- for Mahồndrapaladdva read Mahendrapladeva.
» » » 10,- for Haddala road Haddal. 7, footnote 17, line 1,-for nistrimsa road nistrimi 9, text-line 46,-for-bhởpalanke read - bhợpaların 16, line 8 from bottom, -for Santaras road Santares 17, 9,- for Aļuva read Aļuva 48, line 2 from bottom, -for Chậdi read Chedi. 56, line 1,- for Thursday read Friday, 58, para. 2, line 2,- for Godavari read Kistna. 60, line 13 from the top,- for Jhalråpatan read JhAlrapatan. 65, footnote 6, line 1,- for actus read actual. 71, line 4 from the 'top,- (I think the word tambaliya should mean "betel chewed
with aroca-nut and ohunam" which the women spat out of grief. This is red
and may be compared to rubies (padmardga).-H. K. 8.) 72, last line,--for Jávalipura road JávAlipora. 75, verse 12.-[There is no allusion to any legend here. The poot wants to say that
Brahman out of arrogance (dambhatah) weighed the king's prowess (ie, the Bun) on one side and his fame (i.e. the moon) on the other and found the two balanced so well on the scale of which the rod was the heavenly) Gang, that the pin (kanfaka) in the middle was dhruits (ie, stable). The other meaning intended is the Pole star (Dhruva) which occupies the middle of the heavenly
orbit and is almost fixed in space.-H. K. S.] 99, last bat one para., line 3,- for Polikegin road Polikesin.
100, text-line 2,- for read ... »
17,--for at read out 119, footnote 3, line 2,--for Sadra- read Sadra. 120, text-line 3,--for Mardôdarivashpa- read Mamdodariv&ghpo.. 125, line 10,- for Kandika-bandha read Kandila-bandha. 143, translation of B.,--for Radlja road Rajala. 156, footnote 5, last line, -for Kushmandini read Kashmåndini. 160, para. 3, line 5,--for Tirathgarh read Tirathgarh. 165, footnote, line 6,--for Dattakamim&ns read Dattakamimaths.
, , line 8,- for Radrámba read Rudramba. 166, para. 3, line 2,- for 1783 read 1779.
168, lino 9 from the top. --for Paời read PAļi. , 169, line 2,- for Lakshmidbara read Lakshmidhara.
170, text-line 6-for-prasata sama[sta®]- read -prashta-sama [sta®]170, text-line 8,- for ravidine read ravidind. 171, para. 5, last line,- for chohhreshta tead ochchhrështha. 172, line 8,-insert & hyphen at the end of the line.
footnote 7, line 2,- for Sambilaka read Sambilaka. . 175, line 4,-insert (Nagari) after Sanskrit ► 176, line 16,- for Medipô ta read Mêdipota.
footnote 2,- for Yajñaválkya read Yajñavalky. 178, line 13 from bottom, -for MAlavå read Malaya.