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the Government Library of Oriental Manuscripts, Madras. The Vardhapuranam gives the names of only those persons who are in the direct line of descent, and the names of the collaterals are taken from the Jaimini-Bharatam and the inscription. The S&ļuva family traces its descent from Yadu and is hence called Yadava-vamśa. The earliest historical person mentioned is Vankidêva, who is referred to in the Varáhupurinam only. Vanki's son was Gunda. Gunda had six sons, of whom Mangu or Saļuva-Mangat was the greatest. The Jaimini-Dhuratam is very eloquent in its praises of this person and says that, among other things, he gained success for Sâmparaya in his battles with the "Sultan of the South " and thereby earned the title of "the establisher of Sâmparaya," that he founded (the temple of) the god Sriranga and gave sixty thousand madas (half-pagodas) for the expenses of the temple, and that he killed in battle) the Sultan of Madhura."
In the temple at Simhachalam in the Vizagapatam district there is an inscription dated in the Saka year 1350. It records that Telunguraya, son of Samburaya of Kannada-desa, delivered into the possession of two shepherds one hundred cows for the maintenance of two perpe. tunl lights (akhanda-dipa) in the temple, and that he gave the shepherds a putti of land in the village Vaddadi in lieu of wages. There is another inscription of Telunguriya, also dated in the Saka year 1350, at Santarávůru in the Bapatla taluka of the Kistna district, in which the king is described as the "Mahamandalêsvara Misaraganda Kathari Saļuva Telunguraya." Rao Bahadur K. Viresalingam Pantulugaru quotes a verge of the poet Srinatha (who lived about this time), in which the poet laments the death of several of his patrons including Telunguraya ;7 and there is another verse which is attributed to the same poet and which ends in the words Simparayani Telungů niko dirgh-ayup-aun : "O Telunga, (son) of Samparaya! May you be blessed with long life!" There seems no doubt that the king or prince Telungu mentioned in the above-quoted inscriptions was one and the same, and if his father Samparaya alias Samburaya is identical with the Sámparüya of the Juinini-Dharatam, he would appear to have belonged to the same Sâļuva family as Manga- apparently to a senior branch of it. It would appear also that the sorereiguty, which was originally in the senior branch of the family, subsequently passed on to the junior branch to which Mangu belonged, though we do not know at present how and when this change took place. The "Sultan of the South " who was at war with Sámparaya was, no doubt, the Bahmani king, and by the "Sultan of Madhura " we should, I think, understand the Pandya king, the temple of Srirangam which Mangu built is evidently the celebrated temple in Srirangapattana in the Mysore country.
Mangu had six sons, of whom one was Gauta,' who had four sons: Gunda, Sâļuva, Boppa and Tippa. The Jaimini-Bhiratam devotes a couple of verses to the eulogy of Tippa, who appears to have been a great wanior, and to whom are applied the bivudas of Misaraganda, Kathari, Saļuva and Panchagbantáninâda-titles which are ascribed to Nộisimbaraya in the subjoined inscription (vv. 13 and 16). An inscription at Tekal in the Mysore territory makes mention of a certain Göparaja, son of Såļuva-Tipparája-Odeyar, to whom the village of
The author of the Varáhapurinas gives the genealogy of his patrun Narasimha, which tallies with the published gencalogy of that family, and he also gives the gencalogy of Narasimlia's master Såļuva-Nsis mharaya * See v. 6 of the Devulapalli plates.
See v. 7 f. of the same plates. • He is called Såļuva-Mangi in vv. 8 and 9 of the same plates. Jaimnini-Blárala', p. 4.
Mr. Sewell's Lists of Antiquities, Vol. I. p. 84. 7 Lires of Telugu Poets (edition of 1895), Part I. p. 114.
. [This reference may as well be to one of the Musalman rulers of Madhurâ, on wlem se above, Vol VI. p. 334 and octe 6.- E. H.] See v. 10 of the Devnlspalli plates.
10 See v. 11 of the same plates A certain Gopa-Tippa-nripati is inentioned in an undated Granths inscription at Sendalsi (No. 56 of 1897), and an inscription of Goppa-Tippa-unahipati at Rameśvaram appears to be dated in Saka-Samvat 1390
Burgess and Netcan Sastri's Tamil and Sanskrit Inscriptions, p. 69, No. 11. where I would ccrrect 10 (which the translator calls" very bad Sanskrit" because he does not understand it) into 7 182, ... 1990).-E. H.1