A.-VOLUME III. - Page 103.-The Paithan plates of Govinda III. of A.D. 794.- For the localisation of this
record, by identification of the places mentioned in it, see Ind. Ant. Vol. Xxx.
p. 515.-J. F. F. , 158.-The spurious Sadi plates.-- In text lines 71, 83, for "Suldhatavi " read
"Sulvatavi;" and make the same correction in the translation, p. 184: see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 264. For a full note on the Kisukad (Sulvatavi) seventy district, see ibid. p. 259 ff. - Page 184, line 7, for " of his wife," read" of his
mistress ;" see Vol. VII. below, p. 182, note 4.-J. F. F. 208, the last line but one. For a full note on the Kundi country, see Ind. Ant.
Vol. XXIX. p. 278 ff.-J. F. F. 230.- The Bhairanmatti inscription.- Page 235, line 10, for "in the region," read
" on an island ;" see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXXII. p. 55, and note 36.-J. F.F. 306.- The Tidgundi plates of Vikramaditya VI. of A.D. 1082.- For the identifica
tion of the Pratyaņdaka four-thousand province, see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 380.-J. F. F.
B.-VOLUME IV. Page 204.- The Nilgund inscription of Taila II. of A.D. 982.- For the identification of the
Kôgaļi country, see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 106.-J. F. F. 212. The inscriptions of A.D. 1064 and 1072 at the Jatinga-Râmêsvara hill.- For
the identification of the Kaņiyakal three-hundred district, see Ind. Ant.
Vol. XXX. p. 108.-J. F. F. 278,- The Karhad plates of Krishna III. of A.D. 959.- For the localisation of this
record, by identification of the places mentioned in it, see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 373. - For a full note on the Karahâta four-thousand province, see ibid.
p. 377 ff.-J. F.F. 350.- The Hebba! inscription of A.D. 975.- Page 351, line 1, and page 354, translation
line 5, for "Révaka," read "Révakanimmadi," and in the translation omit the words " (holding her) in (his) lap;" see Vol. VI. below, p. 71, and note 4.
J. F. F. , 371, column 2, last line-for Hrahaďagalli, read Hirahadagalli.
C.- VOLUME VI. Page 208. The Alls platos, which purport to have been issued in A.D.770.- The Alaktak&
vishaya of this record is mentioned as the Alatage seven-hundred district in a record of A.D. 1008; and the places mentioned in that record, and in another, locate it close on the east of Kolhapur, where there is now the Altêm subdivision of that state; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIX. p. 273 ff. For the point that
the Alds plates are a spurious record, see Vol. VII. below, p. 231.-J. F. F. 341, text line 61,-insert the figure after her.
394, column 1, line 9,- for Virpêdu-nadu, read Virpadu-nadu. 5 column 2, last line, - for Pingala, read Pingala.