787.-. 1037.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 222. Bhimavaram (Narayanasvåmin temple) Sanskțit an! Telugu pillar inscription of the 45th year of the reign of king Parantaka . . the asylum of the whole world, the glorious Vishņuvardhana-maharaja (i.e. the Chola king Kulôttunga-Chôļa I.):
(L. 11). Sarvvalókagraya-fri-Vishnuvarddhana-maharajula pravarddhamana-vijayarajyasamvatsarambulu 45gu bråhi Sala)ka-va[r*]shambulu 1037gunêndinti) Chaitravishuv usamkrantti-nismitta]munal
788.- South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 76, p. 168. Srirangam (Jambukåsvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 47th year of the reign) of king Rajakesarivarman alias the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Kulottunga-Chôļadēva [1.].-The historical introduction is the same as in No. 777.
789.- Ep. Ind. Vol. V. p. 48, No. 26. Date of a Mangárgadi (Rajagopåla-Peruma! temple) Tamil inscription of the 48th year (of the reign) of king R&jakesarivarman alias the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorious Kulôttunga-Chôļadēva [I.]
In the 48th year .. on the day of Ardrå, which corresponded to a Monday and to the thirteenth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Makara.'
[Ś. 1039] : Monday, 7th January A.D. 1118.
790.- South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 31, p. 71. Manimangalam (Rajagopåla-Peruma! temple) Tamil inscription of the 48th year of the reign) of king Rajakesarivarman alias the Tribhuvanachukravartin, the glorious Kulôttunga-Chôļadēva [1.] -
In the [48]th year . . on the day of Satabhishaj, which corresponded to a Friday and to the second tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Kumbha.'
[$. 1039] : Friday, 25th January A.D. 1118; see Ep. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 262, No. 20.
The inscription mentions the king's consort (by the title) Ulagudaiya! (i.e. the mistress of the world').
791.- South-Ind. Inscr. Vol. III. No. 32, p. 74. Another Manimangalam (RajagopalaPeruma! temple) mutilated Tamil inscription of the 48th year of the reigo) of the Tribharanachakravartin, the glorious Kulottunga-Choladeva [1.].
The date of this inscription is the same as that of No. 790, except that the twelfth is wrongly quoted instead of the second tithi; see Ep. Ind. Vol. V. p. 198, No. 28.
792.- §. 1040.- Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 221, No. 9. Date of a Drakshåráma (Bhimêsvara temple) Sanskrit and Telugu inscription of the 250th day of the 49th year of the reign of the Maharajadhiraja* Vishnuvardhana, the Tribhuvanachakravartin, the glorions KulôttungaChôdadêva (I.)
(L. 3).-SA[k]-Abdá vyma-véd-&nba[ra-sasi)-ga(ni]t8 . . . Saka-va[r]shambulu 104[O]nda . . . [ra]jya-divya-samvatsa 49yagu &r["]hi dinamulu 250 .... uttarayana-samkr[*][ti-ni]mtittamuna.
793.- South-Ind. Insor. Vol. I. No. 155, p. 168; Ep. Ind. Vol. V. p. 103, and Plate. Chidambaram inscription of the glorious Kulôttunga-Choļa [1.], who subdued the five Pandyas, burnt the fort of Kottara, and crushed the army of the Keraļas.
794.- Ep. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 263, No. 21. Date of a Tiruvidaimarudar (Mahalingasvamin temple) Tamil inscription of the 4th year (of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the
The date wonld enrrespond to the 24th March A.D. 1115, but does not admit of verification. * The inscription gives many more titles and names of the king. Read - win .
• Compare above, No. 764.