[Vol. VII.
754.-South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 30, p. 65. Manimangalam (Rajagopåla-Perama! temple) Tamil inscription of the 5th year (of the reign) of king Rajakesarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Virarajendradeva [I.] :
In the fifth year... on the day of Uttara (-Phalgani), which corresponded to a Monday and to the fourteenth tithi of the second fortnight of the month of Kanyå in this year.
Between A.D. 1054 and 1069 the only day for which this date would be correct is Monday, 10th September A.D. 1067 [in $. 989); see Ep. Ind. Vol. VII. p. 9.
The first portion of the historical introduction agrees with that of No. 753. The subsequent portion, among other things, relates the sham coronation (of Vikramaditya VI.) as Vallabha (i.e. W. Chalukya king), and records the bestowal of the country of Vengi on Vijayaditya (i.e. the E. Chalukya Vijayaditya VI.").
755.-South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III, No. 57, p. 115. Tiruvallam (Bilvanathêsvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 200th day of the 3rd year of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Adhirajendradêvs (i.e. the Chola king Adhirajêndra). The inscription mentions his queen (by the title) Ulagamulududaiyar (i.e. the mistress of the whole world').
256.-Sonth-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 64, p. 133. Tiruvorriyar (Adhipurisvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 2nd year of the reign) of king Rajakesarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Rajendra-Choladeva (TI.), who captured elephants at Vayirågaram (Vajrákara), conquered the king of Dhårå at Chakrakošta, and took possession of the Eastern country ;8 (i.e. the Chola king Kulôttunga-Chola I.).
757.-South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 65, p. 135. Tiruvaladgádu (Vat&rany@svara temple) Tamil inscription of the 2nd year of the reign) of king Rajakdearivarman alias the lord, the glorious Rajendra-Choladeva (II.), described as in No. 756; (s.e. the Chola king KulôttungaChôle I).
758.-South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 66, p. 137. Kolar (Köldramma temple) damaged Tamil inscription of the 2nd year of the reign) of king Rajakesarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Rajendra-Chladeva (II.), described as in No. 756; (i.e. the Chola king KulôttungaChola I.).
759.-South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 67, p. 139. Somangalam (Saundararaja-Perumal temple) Tamil inscription of the 3rd year of the reign of king Rajakesarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Rajendra-Choladeva (.), described as in No. 756; (i.e. the Chola king Kulottunga-Chola I.).
760.-South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 77, p. 172. Kåvântaņdalam (Lakshminarayana temple) incomplete Tamil inscription of the 4th year of the reign) of king R&jakosarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Rajendra-Chladeva (II.), described as in No. 756; (1.e. the Chola king Kulôttunga-Chola I.) :
In the 4th year ...on a Thursday which corresponded to the day of) Sravana and to the sixth tithi of the first fortnight of the month of Vfifcbika in this year.'
[$. 995): Thursday, 7th November A.D. 1073;6 see Ep. Ind. Vol. VII. p. 1, No. 56.
1 See South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. pp. 128 and 182; and above, No. 571 and 572.
By Dr. Haltzach provisionally placed between Virarijandrs I. and Kulottunga-Chola I.- The inscription refers to some transactions of the year which was opposite to the seventh year of the reign) of the emperor śrt-Virarajendradove.
Ie, perhaps, the country of Veigt.
• The accession of Kulottungs-Chála I. took place between (approximately) the 14th March and the 8th October A.D. 1070; Ep. Ind. Vol. VII. p. 7.-Compare also above, No. 671.
On this day the tithi of the date commenced 1 h. 38 m. after mean runrise.