729.-South-Ind. Insor. Vol. II. Nos. 7, 8, 40, 41, and 43. Five Tanjore (Rajarajesvara temple) Tamil inscriptions, recording donations made until (and in) the 3rd year of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Rajendra-Chôľadêva [1.]. The donations recorded in Nos. 7 and 8 were made by Kundavaiyar, the elder sister of Rajaraja I.; see above, No. 716.
723.- Ep. Ind. Vol. V. p. 47, and Plate. Shermadhvi (Råmasvâmin temple) Tamil insoriptioz of the 3rd year of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the glorious RajendraChôľadêya [I.].
724.--South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III, No. 53, p. 108. Tiruvallam (Bilvanath@gvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 3rd year (of the reign) of king Parakösarivarman alias the glorious Rajendra-Chôļad êva [I.].
The inscription records the sale of some land to "Sómanátha, (the son of) Kongumivarmadharmamaharaja, the supreme lord of Nipuņilapura, Srinatha, the glorious Sivamaharaja, the Vaidumba Samkaradêva."
725.--South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 10, p. 16. Ukkal (Vishnu temple) Tamil inscription of the 4th year of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the glorious RajendraChôļadēva (1.).
726.-South-Ind. Inscr. Vol. III. No. 54, p. 109. Tiruvallam (Bilvanathêsvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 4th year of the reign) of king Parakösarivarman alias the glorions Rajendra-Chôļadēva [I.].
207_South-Ind. Insor. Vol. II. No. 9, p. 90. Tanjore (Rajarajeśvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 6th year (of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the lord, the glorious Rajendra-Chôļadēva (1.), who conquered Idaiturai-nadu, Vanavåsi, Kollippåkkai, the camp of Mannai (Maunaikkadagam or Mappaikkadakkam), the crown of the king of Ilam,. . .the crown of Sundara and the pearl-necklace of Indra which the king of the South (i.e. the Påndya) had previously given to that (king of Ilam), the whole Ila-mandalam, the crown etc. of the (king of) Kerala, and many ancient islands.
728.- S. 943,- Ep. Oarn. Vol. IV. p. 115, No. 16. Belatūru (Bánê vam temple) Kanarese inscription of the 9th year of the reign of the glorious Mudigonda-Rajendra-Chola (i.e. the Chola king Rajendra-Chôļa I.) :
Thursday, the moon being in Makara, the nakshatra being UttarashAdha, during the full. moon tithi of the month of Åshadba in the Raudra year (which corresponded to) the ninehundred-and-forty-third year of the Saka years, in the ninth year of the reign . . . . .
Thursday, 7th July A.D. 1020 ; see Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 20, No. 32.
729.-South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. No. 18, p. 27. Môlpåại (Choļesvara temple) Tamil inscription of the 9th year of the reign) of king Parakesarivarman alias the glorious Rajendra-Choladeva (1.).- To the conquests enumerated in No. 727 the inscription adds those of the crown of pure gold which Parasurama had deposited at Sandimattiva, of the seven and a half lakshas of Ilatta-pâdi (Iratta-pâți, Ratta-påļi) of Jayasimha (i.e. the W. Chalakya Jayasimha II.): who was defeated at Musangi, and of the principal great mountains (which cortained) the nine treasures (of Kuvēra).
1 Certain names in this inscription suggest that Rajendra-Choļs I had the biruda Nigarili-Chola, i e. the anogunlled Chola. Probably he also was called Uttama Cha; deo South-Ind. Insor. Vol. III. p. 14.
3 "A mistake for Kuvallapura. Compare above, No. 708. # Compare above, No. 152. • Some inscriptions have Muyangi.