601.-S. 1259 (for 1260 ?).-Ep. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 358, and Plates in Vol. V. p. 265. Donepupḍil (now Madras Museum) Sanskrit and Telugu plates of the Samanta NamayaNayaka (Nami-Néni), surnamed Pagamechchuganda (the son of Prôlaya-Nayaka and Chôḍamâmbâ, and grandson of Koppulakâpa-Nayaka), of Pithapuri :
(L. 31).- Sak-Abdê Namda-bân-ârkka-mitê Bhadrapadê tatha I paurnna (rņņa)mâsyâm
Probably Sunday, 30th August A.D. 1338; see ibid. Vol. IV. p. 358.
K. The Kadambas.3
602.- Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 23, and Plate; PSOOI. No. 2. Halsi (now Dr. Fleet's) plates of the Kadamba Yuvaraja Kakusthavarman, of the 80th year; issued at Palasikâ:(L. 4).- svavaijayikê asititamê samvatsarê.
603.- Ep. Carn. Vol. IV. Introduction, p. 1. Notice of a Tâlgund pillar inscription, recording the foundation of a tank by the Kadamba Kakustha (Kakusthavarman); (composed by Kubja by order of Kakusthavarman's son Sântivarman).
In the Kadamba family was the Brahman Mayarasarman5 (who was anointed ruler of a tract of country by the Pallavas of Kâñchi); his son Kang[a]varman; his son Bhagiratha; his son Raghu; his brother Kakustha; his son Sâutivarman.
604.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 35, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 3. Dêvagêri plates of the 3rd year of the reign of the Kadamba Maharaja Mrigésavaravarman (Mrigéśavarman), the son of Sântivaravarman, of the lineage of Kâkustha; issued at Vaijayanti :
(L. 7).âtmanaḥ rajyasya tritîyê varshê Paushê samvatsarê Kârttikamasa-bahulapakshe dasamyâm tithau Uttarâbhadrapadê nakshatrê.7
605.- Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 37, and Plates; PSOOI. No. 4. Dêvagêri plates of the 4th year (of the reign) of the Kadamba Dharmamaharaja Vijaya-Siva-Mrigésavarman, issued at Vaijayanti:
(L. 4).- Mrigésavarmmaṇaḥ vijay-ayur-Arogy-aiśvaryya-pravarddhana-karaḥ samvvatsaraḥ chaturtthaḥ varsha-pakshaḥ ashṭamaḥ tithiḥ paurṇpamâsî anay=ânupûrvyâ.
606.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VI. p. 24, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 5. Halsi (now Dr. Fleet's) plates of the 8th year (of the reign) of the Kadamba king Mrigésa (Mrigêśavarman), the eldest son of Sântivaravarman who was a son of Kakustha; issued at Vaijayanti :
(L. 10). svavaijayikê ashṭamê Vaisakhê samvatsarê Kârttika-paurņṇamâsyâm.
607.-Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 14, and Plate. Kadgere plates of the 2nd year (of the reign) of the Kadamba Dharmamahárája Vijaya-Siva-Mandhâtrivarman, issued at Vaijayanti:(L. 6).- savassarê dvitiyê Vaisakha-paurņamâsyâm.
1 This is the name of the village granted by this record.-The plates are numbered with Telugu numeral figures. 27. e. the destroyer of the pride of adversaries."
For the later Kadambas see above, p. 26, note 1, c.
I owe a photograph (furnished by Mr. Rice) of the inscription to Dr. Fleet.- Compare Dr. Fleet's Dynasties, p. 286, and Nachrichten Ges. d. Wiss. Göttingen, 1899, p. 182.
Compare above, No. 210.-The genealogical Table in Ep. Cars. Vol. VI. Introduction, p. 4, is incorrect. See below, No. 616 ff.
Here either the nakshatra Uttara-Bhadrapada has been quoted erroneously instead of Uttara-Fhalguni, or bahula-pakshe is a mistake for sukla-pakahé. Compare Nos. 480 and 853.
For other (Hitnahebbâgilu) plates of the 7th year (of the reign) of the same king see Ep. Carn. Vol. IV. p. 136, No. 18, and Plates. Bead samvatsart.