dhana I. Vishamasiddhi, the younger brother of the Mahardja Satyasraya (Pulakesin II.): issued from Cherupûra :
(L. 14).-Sråvaņa-masê chandragrahana-nimitte. (L. 20).sam 10 8 må (?) 4 (?) di 10 5. [Ś. 654] : 7th July A.D. 632; a lunar eclipse, visible in India; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 4. The djñapti (or dataka) of the grant was Ațavidurjaya of the Matsyal family.
549.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 137, and Plate. Pedda-Maddali plates of the 18th year of the reign of the E. Chalukya Mahdraja Jayasimha I. (Sarvasiddhi), the son of [Vishamasiddhi) and grandson of Kirtivarman I.; issued from Udayapūra :
(L. 18).- vishuva-nimittê vijayarajya-sarnvatsarë ashtadas[eo].
550.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 186, and Plates in Vol. VIII. p. 320. Nellore district (formerly Sir W. Elliot's, now British Museum ?) plates of the second year of the reign of the E. Chalukya Maharaja Vishnuvardhana II. (Vishamasiddhi), the grandson of the Maharija Vishnuvardhana I., and son of Indra-bhattaraka who was the younger brother of the Maharaja Jayasimha I. :
(L. 65).- varddhamâna-rajya-dvaya-samvatsare Chaitra-måsé sukla-pakshê dayanıyâm Magba-nakshatrê Budhavårêghu.
[$. 586] : Wednesday, 13th March A.D. 664; see ibid. Vol. XX. p. 8.
551.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 191, and Plate. Mattewada (?, formerly Sir W. Elliot's, www British Museum ? ) first and second platest only of the 5th year of the reign of the E. Chalukya Maharaja Vishnuvardhana II. (Vishamasiddhi), the great-grandson of Kirtivarman 1.. grandson of the Maharaja Visho uvardhana I., and son of Indra-bhattaraka who was the brother of the Maharaja Jayasimha I.:
(L. 19).--a(a)tmanô vijayarajya-panchamê samvratsard Phålguna(na)-måsê amâvâsyâyåra súryyagra[ha"]ņa-nimi[tte®].
[s. 589] : 17th February A.D. 668; a solar eclipse (in the purnimanta Phålguna), not visible in India ;' see ibid. Vol. XX. p. 9.
552-Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 105. Madras Museum plates of the 20th year of the reign of the E. Chalukya Maharaja SarvalókAsraya (Vijayasiddhi, i.e. Mangi-yuvardja), the son of the Maharaja Vishņuvardhana II., who was the son of Indra-bhattaraka, the younger brother of the Maharaja Jayasimha I. :
(L. 24).-uttarayana-nimitte .. .(pravarddhamana-vija]yarajya-sarvataard visah.
553.--South-Ind. Inscr. Vol. I. No. 35, p. 33; Ind. Ant. Vol. XX. p. 415. British Museum (formerly Sir W. Elliot's) plates of the E. Chalukya Maharajadhiraja Vijayaditya II. Narendrampigaraja, the son of the Maharaja Vishộuvardhana IV. and grandson of the Maharaja Vijayaditya I. -
(L. 42). --chandru(ndra)grahapa-nimitte.
The inscription mentions as ájñapti (or dútaka) Narendramrigaraja's brother, the prince Nripa-Rudra, born in the Haihaya family.
554.- Ep. Ind. Vol. V. p. 120, and Plate. Ederu (now Madras Museum) plates of the E. Chalukya Maharajadhiraja Vijayaditya II., the son of the Maharaja Vishnuvardhana IV. and grandson of Vikramarama (s.e. Vijayaditya I.) :
(L. 20).-8@[r*]yyagrahaņa-nimittê.
Compare below, No. 600.
1.e. Vishnuvardhana I. Vishamasiddhi; the actual name is omitted in the grant * Read-drillya• The two plates are numbered with numerical symbols. Compare above, No. 9. • Compare below, No. 657 ff.
Rend pimie.