512.-8. 1448,-As. Res. Vol. III. p. 39. Translation with specimen lithograph of the text of Conjecveram plates of Krishnaraya :
'One thousand four hundred and forty-eight years of the Sacábda, or era established ID memory of Sálíváhana, being elapsed; in the year Vyaya, in the month of Pushya, when the sun was entering Macara, in the dark fortnight, on the day of Bhrigu, and on that venerable tithi, the tenth of the moon; under the constellation Vitáchá.'
Friday, 28th December A.D. 1526.1
513.-S. 1450 and 1451.-Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 399. Krishnapuram Sanskrit and Kanarese inscription of the Maharajadhiraja Virapratapa Vira-Krishnaraya (Krishnaraya), reigning at Vijayanagara :
(L. 1).-Salivahana-Saka-varushamgaļu 1451neya Virôdhi-samvatsarada Vaisakha-śndia(ddha)15 Sudalu (i.e. Sukravâradall) . . .
(L. 22).- Virôdhi-samvatsarada Vaisakha-su 15 Sudalla somagrå (gra) haṇa-pupyakâladalú Friday, 23rd April A.D. 1529; a lunar eclipse, visible in India; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII p. 120, No. 45.
(L. 45). Sake sardaiḥs-chaturbhiḥr-dasabhir-api sataiḥ sammitê Sarvada (dha)rip abdhê (bdê) Chaitr-âkhya-mâsê sita-Madana-tithan Jivavârê=ryamarkshê |
Thursday, 2nd April A.D. 1528; see ibid. p. 120, No. 44.
514.-S. 1452.- Ind. Ant. Vol. IV. p. 328; PSOCI. No. 129; Mysore Inscr. No. 22, p. 33. Harihar Sanskrit and Kanarese inscription of the reign of the Rájádhiraja Virapratapa Achyutaraya, recording a grant by Nârâyanadeva, the son of Timmarasa :
(L. 4)-Salivahana-Saka-varsha 1452 Vikru(kri)ti-samvatsarada Śrâvapa-bahula Syn Somavara Jayamti-pumnyakâladalli śri-Kru (kri)shpavatara-samayadalli.
Monday, 15th August A.D. 1530; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIV. p. 2, No. 126.
515.-S. 1453.- PSOCI. No. 130; Mysore Inser. No. 25, p. 43. Harihar Kanarese inscription of the time of Virapratapa Achyutaraya, reigning at Vijayanagara :
(L. 3)-66liváhann-Saks-varus(sha)mgalu 1453neya Khar-iva[trada Avija-tu 10 Saumyavâradalu.
Wednesday, 20th September A.D. 1531.5
516.-8. 1455.- Ind. Ant. Vol. V. p. 19; PSOCI. No. 72. Tolachguḍ (Bâdâmi) fragmentary Kanarese inscription of the reign of Virapratapa Achyutaraya, and of his Sénddhipati Chinnapa-Nayaka :
(L. 4).-Salivahana-Saka-varsha 1455neya Namdana-samvatsarada Jê(jyê)shtha-su 5 Guravâradalû.
Thursday, 9th May A.D. 1532; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 129, No. 97.
517.-S. 1460.- Ind. Ant. Vol. IV. p. 330, and Plate in Vol. V. p. 362; PSOCI. No. 131: Mysore Inser. No. 21, p. 36. Harihar inscription of the reign of Achyutaraya, recording a grant by his minister Achyutamallapanna (Akkapa); (the verses were composed by Vadhula Mallapârâdhya, the son of Timmanârâdhya, of the family of Kotisa"):
(L. 15). Salivahana-nirpita-Saka-varusa-kram-âgatê | vyoma-tarkka-chatus-chamdrasamkhyaya cha samanvité | Vilambi-namakê varshê måsê Kârttika-namani | paurpamâsyâm site pakshê vårê Sasisutasya cha II Sômôparâga-samayê.
Read -punyaR.
On this day the tithi of the date commenced 2 h. 29 m. after mean sunrise. Read adrdhait-chaturbhira, On this day the tithi of the date commenced 12 h. 45 m. after mean sunrise. On this day the tithi of the date commenced 1 h. 46 m. after mean sunrise.
For an inscription of his of S. 1454, the year Nandana, see South-Ind. Insor. Vol. I. No. 128, p. 133. Compare above, No. 475.
8 Read -varsha..