400.-9. 1058. Insor. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 53, p. 36. Sanskrit and Kanarese inscription. Date of the death of Santaladevi, the chief queen of the Hoysala Vishnu. vardhana :
(P. 38).-SA(sa)ka-varushar 1050mûre raneya Virodhikrit-sathyatsarada Chaitra8u(ba)ddha-panchami Somay Arad-andu.
The date is irregular. (For an earlier date in the same inscription see above, No. 396).
401.-S. 1080-Mysore Insor. No. 174, p. 333. Sindigere Kanarese inscription Date of the time of the Hoysala Mahamandal/svara Vishậuvardhana, lord of Dväravati,' residing at Dórasamudra, and of the Dandandyakas Mariyâne and Bharata (Bharatana, Bharatamayya) :
In the Saka year 1060, the year Paingals, the month Pushya, the 10th day of the moon's increase, uttaråyaņa-sankranti.'
The date is irregular; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIV. p. 14, No. 185. (For two earlier dates in the same inscription see above, Nos. 383 and 385).
402.-Inscr. at Sravana-Belgoļa, No. 115, p. 87. Kanarese inscription recording works of piety by the minister, the Dandandyaka Bharatamayya (Bharata), the younger brother of the Dandanátha Mariyane.
403.-5. 1061 (P).-Inscr. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 52, p. 34. Kanarese inscription recording the erection of a monument for Singimayya, the son of the Dandandyaka Baladeva and his wife Bachikabbe :
Sa(sa)ka-varusha 1041 (in translation 1061)neya Siddharthi-samvatsarada Karttikasu(uddha-dvådaga(61) Sômavarad=andu.
[For Siddharthin = $. 1081] the date is irregular.
404.--S. 1081 (?).-Inscr. at Sravana-Belgola, No. 51, p. 33. Kanarese inscription recording the date of the death of Baladeva, a son of Någadeva (whose brother was Singapa) and his wife Nagiyakka, and grandson of the Dandanayaka Baladeva' (whose wife was Bachikabbe) :
Sa(sa)ka-varusha 1041 (in translation 1061) Siddhartthi-samvatsarada Marggasi(si)ra. en(buddha-padiva Somavárad-andu.
[For Siddharthin = $. 1081] the date is irregular.
405.-PSOCI. No. 232; Mysore Inscr. No. 117, p. 213. Halebią Kanarese inscription of the Hoysala Mahamandalósvara Vishnuvardhana, lord of Dváråvati.'
In Yadu's lineage (the legendary) Sala ; Vinayaditya; his son Ereyanga, married Echaladêvi ; their sons Ballkļa [1.], Vishộu and Udayaditya.
406.-Insor. at Sravana-Belgoļa, No. 144, p. 112. Sanskrit and Kanarese inscription recording the death of the Dandandyaka Echa (Êchiraja), the son of Gangardja's elder brother Bamma and his wife Baganabbe (a disciple of Bhånukirtidēva); the erection of a tomb for him by Gangaraja's eldest son, the Dandanayaka Boppadêva, as well as grants by him to Madhavachandradêya, the disciple of Subhachandra-siddhantadêva; and donations by Echiraja's wife Echikabbe, etc.-- In the introductory part the inscription first mentions the [W.] Chalukya
Vikramaditya VI.) Tribhuvanamalla, and then the Poysaļas (Hoysaļas) Vinay Aditya, his son Ereyanga (Exaga), his son BallAla [1.], and Balla?a's younger brother Vishnuvardhana.
1 Her guru was Prabhachandra siddhantadêve her father, Marasingayya and her mother, Machikabbe (the daughter of Baladeva and Bachikabbe, and elder sister of Singimayya, Singa). Compare below, Now. 403 and 404.
? Compare Mysore Inper. p. 892 f., above, No. 401. • See above, note 1. • He defeated [the Kadamba] Jayake in [11.]. Compare above, No. 235, nota. . He killed Narasinga (Narasimha).