368.--P8001. No. 142; Mysore Insor. No. 12, p. 20. Davangere Kanarese inscription of the reign of the Davagiri-Yadava Ramachandra. Date of the time (R) of the DevagiriYadava Mahadeva :'
The Prajapati samvatsara. No further details of the date are given.' (Prajapati= 8. 1198.)
369.-8. 1193.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XIV. p. 315. Paithap (now Bombay Secretariat's P) plates of the Devagiri-Yadava Rama (Ramachandra) -
(L. 62).-SA(sa) ké cha kadagasu trinavaty-adhikeshy-atâtéshu 1198 varttamana.Prajapati. sath vatsar-Atargata-Magha-suddba-dvadadyam Vu(bu)dhê. Wednesday, 13th January A.D. 1272; see sbid. Vol. XXIII. p. 118, No. 35.
. In the race of Yadu, in the Moon's family, Singhaņa; his son Mallugi; after him, Bhillama; his son Jaitugi (I.) (killed the king of Trikalinga and liberated king Ganapatid from prison); his son Singhapa (overthrow BallAla, the Andhra king, Kakkalla, the lord of Bhambhagiri, Bhoja, and Arjuna); his son Jaitugi (II.) ; his son Krishna ; his younger brother (Mahadeva] (defeated Visala"); his son Amapa ; from him Krishpa's son Rama took away the kingdom.
370.-8. 1184.- Jour. Roy. As. 806. Vol. V. p. 183. Thåpå plates of the reign of the Dévagiri.Yaday& Bamachandra, 'lord of Dväravati;' recording & grant by AchyutaNayaks :
Salivahana-Sako 1194 Angira-nama-samvatsard Åsvina-fuddha 5 Ravau. The date is irregular.
In the moe of the Yadus, Bhillams; after him, Jaitrapala [I.] ; his son Sibghana ; after him, Krishna ; his younger brother Mahadeva; Krishna's son Ramachandra.
371.-8. 1194.-From an impression supplied by Dr. Fleet ;' Graham's Kolhapoor, p. 437, No. 15. Kolhapur inscription of the reign of the Devagiri-Yadava Praudha-pratápa-chakravartin Ramadeva (R&machandra):
(L. 23).- Saka-varsheshu 1194 véd-amka-Rudra-pramitêsha vyatitéshu varttamanAmgirab-(samvatsara-Magha-purppimâyâr aðmagrahapa-parvapi.
3rd February A.D. 1273; a lunar eclipse, visible in India; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 119, No. 36.
372.-8. 1199-From an impression supplied by Dr. Fleet; Graham's Kolhapoor, p. 451, No. 16. Sidnürle inscription of the reign of the Devagiri-Yadava Praudha-pratápa-chakrarartin Ramachandrs :
(L. 13).-Saka-varshdahu 1199 randhr-&mka-Rudra-pramitlahu gatëshu varttamâna-Dhátrisamvatsar-&m(A)ntargata-Sråvaņa-purnpimâyâu Soma-dinê yajapavita-parvari.
Monday, 27th July A.D. 1276 ; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 128, No. 98.
373.-8. 1199,-P8001. No. 125; Mysore Insor. No. 26, p. 44; compare Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. XII, p. 4. Harihar Kanarese inscription of the Devagiri-Yadava Praudha-pratápa.
1 See Dr. Pleet's Dynastia, p. 698 and p. 629, note 1. • Compare Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 517.
I... the Kakatiya Genapati; see below, No. 586 1. • 1.. the Hoyal BalAla II. see below, No. 416 1.
Perhaps some prince Kok kalla of the Kalachuri (Chôdi) family. . 1.. the Silabir Bhoja II. ; nee above, No. 824 4. 11.., probably, the Paraman Arjunavarman ; see above, No. 843. • Compare North. Inser. No. 225. . Compare Jour. Bo. 41.800. Vol. II. p 284, No. iv. 1. The inscription contains a sculpture of an and woman.