Bhöjadêva (1.), and Gapqaraditya ; Gandaråditya's son Vijayaditya. The inscription also mentions a Samanta Kamadêva.!
322.- $. 1066* and 1068* - PS001. No. 96. Miraj Kanarese inscription of the Silâhára Mahamandalesvara Vijayaditya, and his minister Madirayya :
(L. 19).- [Saka]-varsha 1065neya Dumdubhi-samvatsarada Bhadrapad&. su(eu)dhdha(ddha) 2 (altered to 6) Sukravárad=amdu.
(L. 47).- Sa (sa)ka-varsham 1066neya Rudhirðdgåri-samvatsarada Magha-baha! 14 Vaddavárad-amdu Sivaratreya parvva-nimittav-ågi.
The first date corresponds to Friday, 28th August A.D. 1142; the second is irregular ; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 127, No. 85; and Vol. XXIV. p. 14, No. 186.
323.-9. 1078,- Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 212; Ind. Inscr. No. 43. Båmaņi inscription of the Sildhåra Mahamandalesvara Vijayaditya, 'lord of Tagara,' residing at Valavåda :
(L. 12).- Saks-varshêshu trisaptatyuttara-sahasra-pramitêshv-atitéshu amkato=pi 1073 pravarttamâna-Pramoda-samvatsara-Bhadrapada-paarppam&si-Sukravårê sômagrahaņa-parvvanimittan.
Friday, 8th September A.D. 1150; a lunar eclipse, visible in India.
In the silahåra family, Jatiga (II.); his sons Gonkala and Gavala (1.); Gonkala's son Márasimha; his son Gapdaråditya ; his son Vijayaditya.
324.- S. 1101,-Graham's Kolhapoor, p. 382, No. 6. Kolhapur Kanarese inscription of the Mahamandalesvara Bhojadeva II., residing at Valavada; dated Saka 1101, the Vilamba sanvatsara, the 10th of the bright half of Ashadha, the Dakshiņayana-samkramana.
The 26th June A.D. 1178.
325.-- $. 1109.-Graham's Kolhapoor, p. 397, No. 7. Kolhåpur inscription of the Mahamandalesvara Bhôjadeva II., residing at Kollapura; dated (in words) Saka 1109, the Plavanga sanvatsara, on Friday, the new-moon tithi of the month Bhadrapada, on the occasion cf an eclipse of the sun.
Friday, 4th September A.D. 1187; a solar eclipse, visible in India.
326. 8. 1112, 1114 [and 1116].- Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 215. Kolhapur inscription of the Silahâra Mahamandalesvara Vira-Bhôjadêva II., residing at Pranalakadurga (also called Pannkledurga):
(L. 2).- Sakantipa-kalad -Arabhya Varshêshu dvadasóttara-latadhika-sahasrdshu nivpitteshu varttamâna-Sadharana-samvatsar-&ntarggata-Pushya-bahula-dvadas yan Bhaumavård bhånôruttarayaņa-samkramana pery vaņi.
(L. 13).-Sakansipa-kalad=&rabhya varshdshu chaturddasóttara-satadhika-sa hasreshu nivrittêshu varttamâna-Paridhåvi-samvatsar-Âmtarggata-Âgvija-buddha-pratipadi Sukravåre.
(L. 19).-Pramadi-samvatsar-åntarggata-Phålguna-buddha-pamchamyam Sukravåre.
The first date corresponds to Tuesday, 25th December A.D. 1190; the third to Friday, 28th February A.D. 1194; the second is irregular.
The inscription mentions the town of Kolhapur (Kollapura) under the name Kshullskapurs; the same name we have in No. 323.-- Kamadera is also mentioned below, in No. 413.
* See Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. p. 317.
+ The tithi of the date ended 18 h. 11 m. after mean sunrise of Friday, 4th February A.D. 1144, and the proper day for the Siva-rdiri therefore would have been the preceding Thursday nee ibid. Vol. XXVI. p. 187.
On his day the 10th titis of the bright half of Ashadhs ended 16 h. 4 m., and the Dalslayana sankranti took place 16 h. 19 m, after mean sunrise.