The mythical Jayanta or Trilochana-Kadamba; in his lineage, Shashṭhadova [I]; his son Jayakêsin [I]; his son Vijayâditya [I]; his son Jayakêsin [II.], married Mailalamahadevi, the daughter of [the W. Chalukya] Permâḍi (Vikramaditya VI.) and younger sister of Soma (Sômêévara III.); their sons Sivachitta Permadi and Vijayaditya [II.] (Vijayarka, Vânîbhushana); the latter married Lakshmi who bore to him Jayakêsin [III.).
262.-Ky. 4289-Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. IX. p. 304; Ind. Insor. No. 33. Kittûr Kanarese inscription of the 15th year of the reign of the Kâdamba (of Goa) Jayakėsin III., 'lord of Banavasi,' recording a trial by ordeal:
(L. 3).- Kaliyuga-samvatsaram 4289neya samd=ad-âḍi(di)y-ŝgi (L. 12).-ri-Vira-Jayakêsi(si) dêv-arasara varshaka (da) samvatsarada Ashada (dha)-sud[dh Ja ashtami 8 Âdivârad-amdu. (L. 25).-tat-samvatsarada Ashaḍa (dha)-bahula 7 saptami Âdivârad=adum.3 (L. 30).- & bahula 8 Sômavara de (di) vasa.
[Durmati =§. 1123=Ky. 4302]: Sunday, 10th June; Sunday, 24th June; and Monday, 25th June A.D. 1201; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XVII. p. 297, No. 18.
263.-PSOCI. No. 94; Archeol. Surv. of West. India, Vol. III. p. 103; Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. X. p. 181. Konnâr much damaged Kanarese inscription of the Ratta Mahamandaléévara Chakravartin Kattama (Kartavirya III. P) :
The... year of his reign, the... samvatsara; Monday, the eleventh day of the bright fortnight of Pushya; at the time of the sun's commencing his progress to the north.'
264.-8. 1124.- Graham's Kolhapoor, p. 415, No. 9. Translation of a Rây bag inscription" of the Ratta Mahamandalékvara Kartavirya IV., dated Saka 1124, the Darmati samvatsara, Friday, the 15th of the bright half of Vaisakha.
Friday, 20th April A.D. 1201.
265.- §. 1127.-Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. X. p. 220; PSOCI. No. 95. Kalhole Kanarese inscription of the Raṭṭa Mahamandalésvara Kartavirya IV., lord of Lattanûr,' ruling at Vênugråma, and of his younger brother, the Yuvaraja Mallikarjuna :
(L. 54). Saka-varsham 1127neya Raktakshi-samvatsarada Paushya (sha)-suddha-bidige Sanivarad-amd-uttarayana-sam kramaņadalli.
Saturday, 25th December A.D. 1204; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIII. p. 128, No. 90.
Sêna [11.] married Lakshmidêvi; their son Kattama (Kartavirya) [III.], married Padmaladévi; their son Lakshmidêva (Lakshmapa) [I.], married Chandrike (Chandrikâdêvî, Chandaladevi); their sons Kartavirya [IV.] (who married Echaladêvi) and Mallikarjuna.
266.-8. 1131.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XIX. p. 245. Bhôj plates of the Ratta Mahamandalêsvara Kartavirya IV., 'lord of Lattanûr,' raling at Vêuugrams, and of his younger brother, the Yuvaraja Mallikarjuna; (composed by Adityadêva?) :
(L. 97).- Sakanripa-kalasy-aikatri (tri) msaduttara-satâdhika-sahasratamasya samvatsarasya Karttika-måsasya sukla-dvâdaéyâm Budhavara-samanvitâyâm.
Wednesday, 22nd October A.D. 1208; see ibid. Vol. XXIII. p. 128, No. 91.
In the Raṭṭa race, raised to eminence by Krishnaraja, was Sêna [II]; his son Kårta. virya [III.]; his son Lakshmidêva (Lakshmidhara) [I], married Chandrikâdêvî; their sons Kartavirya [IV.] (who married Echaladêvi) and Mallikarjuna.
This, again, is the year from which the regnal years were counted; it is quoted here as a current year; see above, No. 261.
See Dr. Fleet's Dynasties, p. 571.
See Dr. Fleet's Dynasties, p. 555.
See above, No. 201.
I.e. the Rashtrakuta Krishnaraja II.
Read =amdu.
See ibid. p. 557.
7 For another Adityadeva see below, Nos. 288 and 300.