241.-S. 1080.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XI. p. 273. Siddapar Kanarese inscription of the reign of the Kadamba (of Goa) Mahamandalesvara Sivachitta Permadi, lord of Banavasi,' and (his brother) the Yuvarāja Vijayaditya II., staying near Sampagadi:
(L. 28).-Saka-varsam(rsham), 1080neya Bahudhânya-samvatsarada As&(sha)da(aha)d= amavasya Somavárad=andu dakshiņayanasamkranti-vyatîpâtada punya-tithiyo!u.
27th June A.D. 1158, but this was a Friday, not a Monday; see ibid. Vol. XXIV. p. 8, No. 154.
242.-Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. IX. p. 296. Golihalli Kanarese inscription of the 14th, 17th aud 26th years of the reign) of the Kadamba Mahamandalesvara Konkana-chakravartin Sivachitta Permadi, lord of Banavåsi,' ruling at his capital of Gôve (Goa) :
(L. 33).-gri-Kadamba-Sivachitta-sri-Vira-Permmadideva-varshada 14neya Vikramasomvatsarada Vaisakha-måsada saddha-dasami Sômavárad-amdu.
For Vikramar= $. 1082 = Ky. 4281] the date is irregular.
(L. 37).---Permmadidėva-varshada 17deya Svabhânu-samvatsarada Marggasira-bahuladasami (?) Somavårad=anda.
[Subhanu = $. 1085 = Ky. 4264] : Monday, 18th November A.D. 1163.
(L. 54). -Permmåạidova-varshada 26neya Nandana-samvatsara Magham åga-buddba daśami Bțihaspativărad-andu.
[Nandana = S. 1094 = Ky. 4273] : Thursday, 25th January A.D. 1173.
243.-S. 1084 (for 1085).-Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. XI. p. 259; PSOCI. No. 67.. Pattadakal Kanarese inscription of the Sinda Mahamandalesvara Châvunda II., (who was, or rather had been) a feudatory of the W. Châlukya Nurmadi-Taila (Taila III.) ::
(L. 66).-Sa(sa) ka-varshada sâsirad-embhatta-nälke(Ika)neya Subhanu-samvatsarada Je(jy@)shtha-su(su)ddha-paurņpamásye Sômavåra sômagrahaņa-vyatspåta-sakramapada paụya-tithiyal.
The date is irregular; see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXIV. p. 15, No. 187.
In the Sinda family, Achugi [1.] ; his brothers Nåka, Simha (I.), Dåsa, D&ma, Chávupda TIJ, and Chåva. Acha's (Âchugi's) son Bamma; his younger brother Sióga [II.]; his son Acha [II.] (burnt Gove and repulsed [the Silâhåra) Bhôja (1.)); his son Pemma (Permadi) [ 1.); his younger brother Chavupda (II.], married Démaladêvî; their sons Achideva (III.) and Pemmadi [I1.J.*
244.-PSOCI. No. 140; Mysore Insor. No. 9, p. 17. Davangere Kanarese inscription of the Mahamandalesvara Vijaya-Påndyadeva, who ruled the Nolambavadi Thirty-two-thousand and resided at Uchchangi, of the 15th year of the reign of (P) the W. Chalukya Tailapa Trailokyamalla (Taila III.), the year Parthiva.
[Parthiva = $. 1087.]
245.--PSOCI. No. 120; Mysore Inscr. No. 30, p. 57. Harihar Kanarese inscription of the time of the W. Châlukya Nûrmadi-Tailapa (Taila III.), and of the Kalachurya Bijjala and his dependent Kasapayya-nayaka.
1 Compare below, Nos. 249 and 254.
> According to the translation this should be pañohaml, and the European equivalent of the date, given above, is for this tithi.
• See Dr. Fleet's Dynasties, p. 575. • Compare Nos. 224 and 247.
Part of the inscription is illegible. • See Dr. Fleet's Dynastie, p. 459, note 3, and p. 463, note 1. According to Dr. Fleot, the record belongs to. period subsequent to the death of Tails III.
1 The date is illegible; see Dr. Fleet's Dynasties, p. 472 * See below, No. 279 and 281.