[Vol. VII.
Genealogy as far as Bhd vikrama substantially as in No. 115; his son Sivamára [I.] ; his son Sripurusha Konganivarma-dh.'; his son Sivamára [II.] Kongapivarma-dh. Saigotta; his younger brother Vijayaditya; his son Rajamalla [1.] Satyavákya-Kongupivarma-dh.; his son Ereganga [I.] Nitimârga-Kongapivarma-dh.; his son R&jamalla (II.] Satyavákya-Konguņivarmadh.; his younger brother Bataga [I.] Ganaduttaranga (married Abbalabba, a daughter of the Rashtrakata] Amoghavarsha (1.)); his son Ereganga (II.) Nitimarga-Konguộivarma-dh., also called Komara-vedenga (' whose forehead was adorned with the patfabandha of, or by, Ereyappa'); his son Narasingha Satyavákya-Konganivarma-dh., also called Vira-vedenga; his son Rajamalla (P) [III.] Nitimårga-Kongapivarma-dh, also called Kachcheya-Ganga; his younger brother Batuga (II.] Satyanitivakya-Kongapivarma-dh., also called Nanniya-Gadga, Jayaduttaranga, Ganga-Narayapa, eto. (married a daughter of Baddega, s.6. the Rashtrakata Amoghavarsha III., at Tripurt in Dahala; on the death of Baddega secured the kingdom for [the Rashtrakata] Krishnarija [III.]; sugod fear to Kakkarája of Aļachapara, BijjaDantivarman of Banavasi, Rajavarman, DAmari of Nuluvugiri, and Någavarman; defeated the Chola] Rajaditya, besieged Tanjapuri, etc.).
128.-8. 872'.-Åtakar Kanarese inscription of the time of the W. Ganga Permånadi Batuga II. Satyavákya-Kongunivarma-dharmamaharajadhiraja; see above, No. 95.
129.-8. 890.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 104, lines 1-50 of the text. Lakshmeshwar (sparious) inscription of the W. Ganga Marasimha II. Satyavákya-Konguņivarma-dharmamaharajadhiraja :
(L. 24).-Sakanfipakal-&tita-samvatsara-satéshv=ashtasu navaty-uttarëshu pravarttamâne Vibhava-samvatsaré.7
In the Jahnavêya family and Kapvdyana gôtra, Madhava Kongapivarma-dharmamaha. rdjidhiraja; his son Madhava-mahårájádhiraja composed & Dattakasútra-vritti); his son Harivarma-maharajadhiraja ; his younger brother Marasimha.
The inscription gives the line of Jaina teachers Devendra, his disciple Ekadêva, his disciple Jayadeve-paņdita.
130.-8. 896.-Ep. Ind. Vol. IV. p. 351. Hebba! Kanarese inscription, recording grants etc. by the W. Ganga Mårasimha II. Satyavákya-Konguņivarma-dharma maharajadhiraja (also called Nolambakalántakadéve, ato.), lord of Kolala,' lord of Nandagiri,' and his grandmother Bhujjabbarast, the mother of Batayya (Batuga II.):
(L. 16).-Sa(fa)kanfipaka-at[]ta-sa[m]vatsara-latanga[19] 896neya Bhåva-samvatsarada PA(pha)lgana(na)-su (su)ddha-panchami Brihaspativarad=andu.
Thursday, 18th February A.D. 975.8
In the reign of the Rashtrakata] Akalavarsha Kannaradêva (Krishộaraja II.), Baddegadeya (Amoghavarsha III. Baddiga) gave his daughter Révakanimmadi, the elder sister of Kannaradeva (Kfishparaja III.), in marriage to Permånadi Båtayya (Båtaga II.) SatyavákyaKongunivarma-dharmamaharajadhiraja. Their son Maru!adeva, married Bijjabe; their son Rachcha(?)-Ganga. Immediately after his reign, there reigned the son of Batayya and Kallabbarasi, vis. Marasimha (II.] Satyavákya-Kongapivarma-dh., also called Nolambakulantakadêva, etc.
1 Elsewhere sivamara is described as the younger brother of Bhůvikrama; but see also No. 121. : 1.8., here and below, .dharmamahirijkdhiraja • See above, No. 96.
• See Ind, Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 218, No. 38. Put on the stone in about the second half of the 11th century A.D. See above, Nou. 104 and 106. 1 See the ame date of an inscription of apparently the same king, Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 112, third part.
On this day the tithi of the date commenced 6 h. 62 m. After mean sunrise.