[Vol. VII.
åbhivriddhi sal]u[tt-i]re... ta[d-a]ntarggata-Jyênhța(shtha).masada krish[n]a-pakshad , amáseyu[] säryya-grahaņamum=&gi .. grahanado[1].
[Sanday], 16th June A.D. 866; a solar eclipse, visible in India; see Ind. Ant Vol. XXIII. p. 123, No. 59.
Before Amoghavarsha the inscription eulogizes Nimupama Kalivallabha [Dhruvaraja], and Prabhůtavarsha Govindaraja [111.) Jagattunga (1.) Kirti-Narayana
76.-8. 788.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XII. p. 218. Sirur Sanskrit and Kanarese inscription of the 52nd year of the reign of the Maharajadhiraja Amoghavarsha I. Nřipatunga.
The date, etc., are practically the same as in No. 75.
27.-9. 780.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XII. p. 181. Bagamra (now Vienna Oriental Museum) plates of the Rashtrakuța Mahúsimantadhipati Dhruvardja II. Dhåråvarsha Nirupama of Gujarât, issued from Bhrigukachchha :
(L. 64).- Sakanpipakal-atîta-samvatsara-satêshu saptasv=éku(ko) nanavaty-adhikeshv= an katah sainvat 789 Jyêshth-ảmavasyayam adityagrahaņa-parv vaņi.
6th June A.D. 867; a solar eclipse, visible in India ; see ibid. Vol. XXIII. p. 131, No. 109.
Genealogy from Govindaraja [1.] to Indraraja, the ruler of Lata, as in No. 68; his son Kakkarája (after defeating some Råshtrakūtas, placed Amðghavarsha on his throne); his son Nirupama Dhruvarâja (I.); his son Akalavarsha Subhatunga; his son Dhårdvarsha Nirupama Dhruvarájn (11.) (defcated Mihira). - The grant mentions, as dataka, Govindaraja, a son of Subhatunga and younger brother of Dhärârarsha Nirupama (Dhruvaraja IC.).
78.-9. 789.--Ep. Ind. Vol. VI. p. 287, and Plates. Gujarat (now Dr. Bhandarkar's) plates of the Rashtrakůta Mahasamantadhipati Talaprahárin Dantivarman Aparimitavarsha, the younger brother of DhruvarAja II., of Gujarat, recording a grant made, after bathing in the river Puravi, in favour of a vihara (or Buddhist monastery) :
(L. 65).-Sakansipakal-atîta-samvatsara-satèshu sa[ptajsu navåsity-adhikeshy-amkatô=pi ramvatsara-satê 789 Pausha-va(ba)hula-navamyam(mya)m-uttarayaņa-mahaparvvam=uddigya.
23rd December A.D. 867.
Genealogy as far as Dhruvaraja [II.] as in No. 77;5 his younger brother (the son of Akalavarsha) Aparimitavarsha Dantivarman.-The grant is signed by both Dantivarman and Dhruvara ja (IL.].
79.-$. 707.-Jour. Bo. As. Soc. Vol. X. p. 194; PS001. No. 88. Saandatti Sanskrit and Kanarese Ratta inscription, recording several grants. Date of the time of the Ratta Mahúsumanta Pțithvirama? (the son of Merada), a feudatory of the Râshtrakūta Krishnaraja [II.P] :
(L. 12).-Sapta-sa(sa)tyê navatya cha samayukt[@]su(shu) saptasu Sa(sa)ka-kaļ&$v(shv). atîtêshu Manmath-ahvaya-vatsarê II
(For another dato in the same inscription see below, No. 201.)
80.-. 799.-Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 135. Kanheri inscription of the reign of the Rashtrakata Maharajadhiraja Amoghavarsha I., and of the time of his feudatory, the Silkra) Jahúsdmanta Kapardin II., the lord of Konkana:'
(L. 1).-Sakanripakal-atita-samvatsara-batêshu saptasn navanavaty-adhikeshy-an kataḥ 799.
1 See No. 76.
But the date actually quotes the week-day (Adityandra). * Compare Ind. ant. Vol. XXXI. p. 254. • Rend oparor-odditya.
The defeat of Mihira by Dhruvarāja II. is not mentioned here. According to Dr. Fleet, this date is plainly not anthentic, so far, at least, as Prithvirama is concerned; see his Dynasties, p. 411, note 1, and p. 552.
i He is described as the disciple of Indrakirtisvâmin, the disciple of Guņakirti who was the disciple of Mulla bhattaraka.--Compare also below, No. 149.
The name Rashtrakūta does not occur in the inscription.