37.-8. 651.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 112. Notice of a Lakshmeshwar (spurious1) inscription (second part of the record) of the 34th year of the reign of the W. Chalukya Vijayaditya Satyasraya, recording a grant to his father's priest Udayadêva-pandita, also called Niravadya-pandita, who was the house-pupil of Pajyapâda; issued from Raktapura :Ekapamchâsaduttara-shaṭchhatêshu Saka-varshêshvatiteshu pravartta(rddha)mânavijayarajya-samvatsarê chatustrimsê varttamânê... Phâlgupa (na)-mâsê paurṇpamâsyâm.
38.-Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 103, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 50. Bâdâmi (Mahakâța) Kanarese inscription of Vinâpoti, 'the heart's darling' of the W. Chalukya3 Maharajádhiraja Vijayâditya Satyasraya.
39.-Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 165, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 53. Paṭṭadakal Kanarese inscription of the W. Chalukya Mahdrájádhirájas Vijayaditya and Vikramaditya II.
40.-Ind. Ant. Vol. IX. p. 133. Nerar (now India Office) plates of the W. Chalukya Maharajadhiraja Vijayaditya Satyaáraya, apparently recording a grant made by his son, the Maharajadhiraja Vikramaditya II. Satyaáraya.
Genealogy as in No. 33.
41.-S. 656.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VII. p. 106, lines 61-82. Lakshmeshwar (spurious) inscription of the second year of the reign of the W. Châlukya Mahárájádhiraja Vikramaditya II. Satyasraya, the son of Vijayaditya Satyasraya, etc.; issued from Raktapura :
(L. 72)-shatpamchâsaduttara-shaṭchhatêshu Saka-varshêshvatitêshu pravarddhamânavijayarajya-samvatsarê dvitiyê varttamâne Magha-paurṇnamasyâm.
42.-Ind. Ant. Vol. VIII. p. 286, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 77. Aihole Kanarese inscription of the reign of the W. Chalukya? Maharajadhiraja Vikramaditya II. Satyâśraya.
43.-Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 360, and Plate. Conjeeveram Kanarese inscription of the W. Chalukya Maharajadhiraja Vikramaditya II. Satyasraya.
44.-Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 166, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 54. Paṭṭadakal Kanarese inscription; records that Lokamahadevi, the queen of the W. Chalukya Vikramaditya II., confirmed a grant made by the Maharajadhiraja Vijayaditya Satyasraya.8
45.-Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 167, and Plate; PSOCI. No. 57. Paṭṭadakal Kanarese inscription; mentions Lokamahadevi, the queen of the W. Chalukya Vikramaditya II.
46.-Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 164, and Plate; PSOOI. No. 59. Paṭṭadakal Kanarese inscription; mentions Lokamahadevi, the queen of the W. Chalukya Vikramaditya II.
47.-Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 164, and Plate; PSOOI. No. 58. Pattadakal Kanarese inscription; mentions the queen of the W. Chalukya Vikramaditya II.
48.-Ep. Ind. Vol. III. p. 4, and Plate. Paṭṭadakal duplicate pillar inscription of the reign of the W. Chalukya Mahárájádhiraja Kirtivarman II. Satyasraya :
(L. 22).-Sravana-mase amavasyayam sarvva-grase sûryya-grahane.
1 See Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 218, No. 38.
Put on the stone in about the second half of the 11th century A.D. The name Chalukya or Chalukya does not occur in the inscription. The authenticity of this grant is doubtful.
5 See Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 218, No. 37.
The date would correspond to the 18th January A.D. 735, when there was a lunar eclipse, visible in India. In Nos. 42-47 the name Chalukya or Chalukya does not occur.
Below the above inscription, on the same pillar, is a short inscription, the language of which appears to be Kanarese, and which seems to record the name of a certain Dhuliprabhu, perhaps a visitor to the temple; see Ind. Ant. Vol. X. p. 166, and PSOCI. No. 55.
9 In northern and in southern characters; compare below, No. 254.