presenting their names in the somewhat different forms of Dhaladi and Tâtabikyana, appears to say: "He, this Râjamârtaṇḍa (a very sun among kings), piercing (everything) in front (of him), having conquered in battle, with his arm, him who was named Tâtabikyana, (and also) Dhaladi, causes his fame to be sung by people." We have, however, no information as yet as to the part of the country to which they belonged.
It may be remarked, incidentally, that a biruds of Chalukya-Bhima II., not mentioned in this record, which is presented in the Gunḍugolanu grant of the period A.D. 945 to 970 as, apparently, Karayilladâta, would have been given more correctly as Karevilladata: it means "he in whom there is no spot or blemish" (karey-illad-áta); and it answers exactly to the Sanskrit appellation Akalanka.
Châmekâmbâ, who caused the grant to be made, seems to be clearly marked by line 53 as a courtesan. It would appear, therefore, that she was a favourite mistress of the king. And, for a case analogous to this one, we may quote that of the courtesan Vinâpôti, the práṇavallabha or "mistress as dear as life" of the Western Chalukya king Vijayâditya, who is mentioned in one of the Mahâkûța inscriptions as making certain grants to a temple, and whom that record has treated with such respect as to name also her mother and grandmother. So, also, the spurious Sûdi plates claim a grant of some land at that village by the Western Ganga prince Bâtuga II. for the purposes of a Jain temple founded by his mistress Divalâmba.
The Paṭṭavardhika lineage (anvaya), - to which, as is indicated in line 52 f. of this record, Châmekâmba belonged by birth, and in respect of which we are told that the members of it belonged to the retinue of the Chalukya kings,- is mentioned as the Paṭṭavardhini race (vamsa) in a record of Amma I. (A.D. 918 to 925). That record specifies, as members of it, Kalakampa, who had been a follower of Kubja-Vishnuvardhana I., and, with his permission, had killed in battle (a king) Daddara and seized his insignia; a descendant of Kalakampa, named Sômâditya; Sômaditya's son Pritivigarâja; and Pritiviyaraja's son Bhaṇḍanâditya, also called Kuntaditya, who had been a servant of Vijayâditya IV. (A.D. 918), and to whom the grant of a village, registered in the record, was made.5 And another reference to it is to be found in a record of Amma II. (A.D. 945 to 970), which registers the grant of some fields to the Yuvaraja Ballâladéva-Vêlâbhața, also called Bodḍiya, son of (the lady) Pammava (of) the Paṭṭavardhini (family)."
South-Ind. Insers. Vol. I. p. 45, line 17 ff. I read the first two pádas, from an ink-impression, thus:-Yase Tâtabikyan-akhyamn-Dhaladi munn-iriva Rajamärttandau. The verse is in the Aryagîti metre. At the end of the first pada, dkhyamn has of course to be corrected into dkhgan. In the second påda, three syllabic instants are wanting; the metre may be set right by reading: Dhaladim munn-iriva Râjamârttando-sau. The words munniriva are Kanarese.
2 Ind. Ant. Vol. XIII. p. 249, line 17-18.
Id. Vol. X. p. 103.
Vol. III. above, p. 184; and see Ind. Ant. Vol. XXX. p. 217, No. 31. The expression svakiya-priyd, in line 70 of the text, should be rendered by "his mistress," not by "his wife," as was done by me in editing the record. This should perhaps have been recognised by me at the time, from the description of Divalâmbâ in line 4 as "the one Rambha of the world ;" and also because, the passage being in prose, the word patnt or hháryd might have been used just as readily as priyá, if a wife was really intended. But there are, I think, a few cases in which quite respectable women were likened to Rambha in respect of their beauty and general charms; and the name itself occurs as the name of Rambla, the sdditt or "virtuous wife" of the poet Ratnasimha, in the Ratnapur inscription of Prithvidêva (Ep. Ind. Vol. I. p. 50, verse 12). However, we know now that the wife of Butuga II. was Rêvakanimmadi; see Vol. VI. above, p. 71.
5 South-Ind. Inscrs. Vol. I. p. 43
Vol. V. above, p. 140.